MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

access to training. Over time customization will be on the staging server. The staging server will be back up on February 17 th . c. Pre-Conference, 56 registered for the pre-conference. Christian asked to continue to encourage faculty, they are looking for 75 to 80 participants to attend the pre-conference. Christian will send out request for volunteers in different positions and time requests to work pre-conference sessions. i. Survey Results: Overall everyone is in favor of changing to eLearning; however, instead of eLearning council it was suggested to change to eLearning Association. DLCs approved to be called eLearning Association. Christian stated the name change will be great and good feedback from the group from the survey. No additional comments were made. ii. The vision, mission, and the bylaws should reflect the name change of the association. The group felt that this should go to the Administration committee. iii. Christian asked if additional people should participate on the strategic planning committees or if we should leave it as is. Phyllis suggested one vote per college but more people can help with the committees. It was stated that is what we do now (Jennifer Leimer). Christian stated that the only difference is when the committee meets; it will be more effective with additional resources to get more work done. Jennifer suggested doing more committee meetings via Wimba. Tish stated that’s a good plan. Jennifer suggested doing two in addition to Boot Camp. iv. Keri Cole suggested moving technical and Blackboard issues to the beginning of the meetings. This could help if IT personnel and trainers wanted to sit in and discuss upgrades and changes to Blackboard, etc. Tish stated that this was a good suggestion and will make the modification to future agendas. v. Christian suggested sharing new things that we are doing at each college. Christian stated a lot of colleges are doing great things and he would like to have an open forum for all schools to share. Tish will add to the agenda. vi. Christian asked what is a good time for the upgrade to BB9. Summer school starts on the 30 th , it will take 5 to 7 days for the upgrade. Need the time for the testing. It was recommended for downtime to be May 14 th , 12 out of the 15 approved. MDCC is still trying to get dates complete. MDCC is offering a mini term during that time she will not know the official dates. Those mini term courses would use Blackboard. Jennifer Leimer stated if we continue to push the dates back we will run into an issue with the customization being added and running in time for summer term. vii. May 14 th will be the downtime for BB9 upgrade . Julia suggested using D2L if any schools have mini terms; Jennifer stated they will provide training. Dr. Jenkins asked if the upgrade will begin at the beginning or ending of the day? Christian said whatever time we decide is when the site will go down. New Business a. Alicia Shows: Audit documents. Her registrar was talking to Larry about audit roles for online classes. We currently use a sheet that list whether the student is active. They were told that SBCJC will no longer accept the current attendance role. She wanted to know if anyone heard



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