MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

anything differently. Dr. Pruett stated Beverlin will give us more information about that. Beverlin and Mr. Larry stated that the current process for online courses is the accepted auditing procedures. SBCJC is basically looking for active/inactive/withdrawal and instructor signatures. Additional information is for the individual schools only. Beverlin stated the way online attendance is being done okay at this time and if changes were to be made they will inform us in advance. i. Keri Cole asked if audit dates could be provided to schools earlier. Beverlin asked if there was a specific time that they would like to receive this information. Hinds suggested two weeks before the semesters begin, need it before each semester. Beverlin made note to provide dates earlier. b. Alicia Shows: meeting with deans on Feb. 24 th . Phyllis asked if they could receive the summer dates in October instead of February? Alicia stated that the Deans typically approve the recommendation from the DLC association; they do not set those dates. i. Holly Melvin asked if there was a decision about the transcripts. Alicia stated that the Deans voted to remove the transcripts at their last meeting. Holly stated that her Dean does not recall making the decision. Alicia stated that the Academic Quality letters sufficed. She will readdress this matter at the Dean’s meeting in February. c. Presidium: Christian stated the call was good. Presidium will be open to DLC group to have a call once every two weeks or once a month. Christian will get back with Presidium once a month to do a call. SBCJC Business a. Terry Pollard: eLearning Training. Pronto Module was requested so that students will know how to download and use it. Keri wanted to know if the school tab will return. Terry stated that it will. The reason it disappeared is because there was no helpdesk available. Individuals that want the school tab should let him know. Lightening Round speakers are needed for Creating Futures pre-conference, if none they will do a demonstration about the Academy Courses. b. Terry Pollard: Numbers are lower this semester for MSVCC Academy courses. He would like to know what the instructors are looking for this semester and will send out a survey. Committee Reports: a. Best Practices: Pollard would like everyone to promote the training courses in the MSVCC. Terry is going to order some Articulate books and present that at CFTTC. b. Technology Committee: Chris Square making changes to the Technology Goals. Jackie looked at goals and spent more time observing those goals and making the necessary changes. c. Quality Committee: Jennifer Leimer looked at the procedure manual at the evaluation of the courses and developed a plan for revising the evaluation process. Making it clear that the evaluation should be done and an example of the evaluation tool that can be used if the institution is currently not using one. It should be evaluated before the fall, after that they will begin revising the student evaluation. Will look at Quality Matters as a reference to develop the evaluations. Pollard stated we have access to Quality Matters purchased with MSVCC funds. Terry will send that information out so everyone can access.




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