MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
General Discussion
D2L Progress
1.Jason Pugh reported that ITS agreed to finance the purchase of the contract with D2L. ITS would like to use the Distance Learning Association’s purchase of the D2L software to implement a new law. ITS approached the Department of Finance with the request. The Department of Finance is in the process of seeking clarification of the law from the Attorney General’s office. 2.In an effort to work on other financing options for the acquisition of the D2L software, Co-Lin as agreed to have money funneled through their college and they will in turn pay D2L.
3.D2L is incurring difficulties converting the Blackboard courses for the association that they agreed to convert as a test.
4.D2L as stated that manual conversion of Blackboard courses may be required. If manual conversion is required, D2L has agreed to pay for the conversion.
5.The association still agrees that it is necessary to pursue the purchase of the D2L software.
Grade Submission
1.Jason Pugh reported 2 primary problems during the electronic submission of grades.
1. Occurrences of withdrawn students being left off rosters. The students had to be manually “re-added” to list. Ive Burnett looked at the problem and is confident that the problem has been solved.
2. Occurrences of data missing on grade submission report. Ive Burnett has also corrected this problem.
3. Mr. Pugh reported that we will continue the use of the electronic grade submission for the Spring, 2004 semester.
Spring Registration
1.The enrollment report has been emailed to each DLC. Jason Pugh requested that each DLC review the report and check for accuracy.
Spring Class Start
1.A discussion was held concerning the start up of the Spring, 2004 semester. All DLCs reported a much smoother start to the semester as compared to the Fall, 2003 semester.
2.In preparation for the heavy proctoring of exams at the end of the semester, it was suggested that each school try to spread proctored testing throughout the semester
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