MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
and/or have a backup plan in place to handle the potentially large volume of proctored final exams.
3.The association was reminded of the MSVCC policy:
1. One proctored test is required, may be waiver by the Chief Academic Officer at each college
2. No more than three proctored tests are allowed unless a waiver has been approved by the Chief Academic Officer allowing for a maximum of four proctored tests.
3. Susan Cumberland (EMCC) reminded the association of the motion passed by the Dean’s association in June, 2003 which limited proctored testing to 2 hours and mandated that tests be administered through the Blackboard learning platform when possible.
Student Self Registration
1.Jason Pugh reported that Northeast Mississippi Community College implemented student “self registration” for online courses this semester. The system worked with little error. Ive Burnett and Jennifer Wamsley will discuss the implementation at the next meeting of the DLC association meeting.
1.Jason Pugh reported that the President’s association will be discussing the issue of textbook purchasing for online classes. Mr. Pugh encouraged interaction with the individual college presidents on this issue.
Open Blackboard Tickets
1.Jason Pugh reported that Blackboard doesn’t seem to be looking into our report ticket items. He asked the DLCs to continue reporting errors to his office. He asked that the reports give specifics as to the error, especially the Blackboard ID number.
MSVCC Username and Password Naming Convention
1.Hubert Yates reported that MCC is moving away from the use of Social Security numbers for identification of students. He asked that we begin to research ways to address the identification of students and assignment of passwords in the MSVCC system.
Negative Seats
1.Janice Poole (PRCC) expressed concern over the problems of negative seats in the enrollment tool. The use of negative numbers in the enrollment tool opens the course to unlimited seating. Jason Pugh reported that Ive Burnett has solved this problem in the coding scheme of the enrollment tool. Negative numbers will no
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