MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

b. Snapshot schedule for Bb 9. Recommend doing your course copies and send your snapshot up for summer so that things look as they do in Bb 8.5. We need to get together as a group where certain colleges sent their courses up certain days, especially those that use course templating. Import/Export works best for copying course materials from one semester to the next. We will need to stager course templating when building the courses originally. Templates with course content are a larger animal. Keri said that this will be coming up soon so we need to make a decision soon. Tish said that the biggest concern is at the end of May when we begin Bb 9. Christian will check with Sean on the maximum limit on executable files. Christian said that we should also break up our summer/fall courses.

c. Update on the ET issues


eLearning Training Group – Terry Pollard a. Survey. Tabled b. Teaching Effectively Online Course. Tabled


Learning Circle

a. April, Jackie Bailey-Hall, MDCC b. May, Jenifer Leimer, MGCCC c. June, Holly Melvin, NEMCC


Open Forum – Colleges Sharing New Ideas

LaMetrius just accepted a position with the University of Alabama and will begin March 22 ng. She will be working in Distance Learning as a course developer. We will need to replace her position as secretary within the eLA. This person will need to serve until elections in May. In the old policies and procedures manual, if a vacancy exist nominations will be sent out to the association members to be voted on during the next meeting. This information is listed on page 50 of the new manual; top of page 51. Buffy Matthews volunteered to serve as secretary until the next elections. Audra Leverton made the motion to approve; Dianne Nichols seconded. Motion carried. Future Meetings We really need everyone to be available during the next two months of meetings. Please check these dates. Jennifer Leimer recommended that we have a two-day meeting in April. One day could be used as the eLA meeting and the second for Bb 9 training. Several people felt that we could all meet together and help solve one another’s problems. Tuesday, April 13 th and Wednesday, April 14 th . Rebecca also said that she would share her training materials if others are willing to share theirs as well. Most of the training materials that are provided need to be revamped. Martha Lou said that she did a search for Bb 9 and found several videos. a. eLA meeting – Tuesday, April 13 th ; Training Wednesday, April 14 th . Audra Leverton made the motion; Julia Parker seconded the motion; Motion carried. b. Proctor meeting will be held on Monday, May 17 th . We will hold our eLA meeting that same date. Audra Leverton makes the motion for Jennifer James to conduct the proctor meeting; Dr. Jenkins seconded the motion; motion carried.



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