MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Tish explained the wiki agenda and how to add items to the agenda. She asked that you add your name next to your agenda item so that we know who will be covering that item during the meeting.


Blackboard/Technical Issues a. The Upgrade Plan – Christian proved a brief overview of the Bb training that we will be receiving tomorrow. The web address is OR it will be (Example: Your login information and course information will mirror what was currently listed in Bb as of Feb. 2010. Hubert stated that the rac environment is not current for schools using LDAP authentication. Christian said that this shouldn’t be a problem, but will check to ensure that gets corrected prior to testing. This will be exactly what it looks like when we go live in May. We will be updating to Blackboard Release 9.1.407.2. Courses that are built in 9.1 (fall courses) will open to the new homepage. All courses that were built prior to the upgrade will still open to the announcements page. The system will be brought down at 5:00p.m. on May 14 th through May 24 th . All branding will have to be created from scratch. This will be part of the training we receive tomorrow. There are currently 48,000 courses that Blackboard will archive. This includes all courses that have not been used in a two year time period (prior to summer 2009). A CD archive will be provided to SBCJC. If you need a course that has been archived, contact Christian for a copy of the course package. Old Business a. Policy and Procedures. We would like to discuss any changes before we approve the final copy. Made corrections to page 8, number 6. (proper notification….). #7 has been discussed at the President’s meeting. Some sites are denying students seats in the proctoring site to students from away colleges. You cannot deny a student unless there are no openings at that particular time. SBCJC has been getting complaints regarding proctoring sites. We have also had complaints of away college students being placed in a loud hallway for testing because they were non college students. Christian would like to figure out our current capacity for testing and see where changes could be made. If this continues we will have to make it public about what colleges are having this occur. Christian has been contacting the schools when he has received complaints.


If you start putting students into your courses prior to the opening of registration, please be mindful that you have to hold 50% to non district student. Hubert stated that the earliest date the enrollment tool was available was the first date of the earliest college registration. This is the way that ET registration is currently being handled.

Christian will need to clarify athletic eligibility requirements of “as least six (6) semester hours on line courses are considered full-time.” Christian said that for athletic eligibility a


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