MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

student should be taking at least 6 hours on-campus, additional hours can be taken on-campus or online.

Tish stated that if an instructor is going to have a required paper test, this information needs to be made available to the other DLCs and proctors. This can be a huge problem for students having to fax the test back in, etc. Audra said that it also takes a lot of coordination because the student does not always know where they are going to test. The assessment center is then not ready to give the student the paper test.

Jennifer Leimer is the chair of the Quality Committee and they are in the process of revising the MSVCC Student Surveys, Course Evaluation Survey, and the ELearning Hosted Course Evaluations. This will be updated at a later date and approved by the eLC Association.

Each school needs to review the schools time limit for filing grievances. That way if we set a policy it does not interfere with the college’s policy.

There will be a change of voting. Officers will elected in May and will take office in August. Nominations will be taken openly during the May meeting. Julia stated that in the past when she has served for organizations they kept these ballots for history. The recommendation was that nominations taken and voting will take place by ballot in May.

The last sentence has been removed from voting, article IV. Audra Leverton made the motion to make this change; Michelle Mitchell seconded the motion. Motion carried.

b. Strategic Plan. Tabled until the May . Audra made the motion, Jennifer Leimer seconded. Motion carried.

Elections. There will be a change of voting. Officers will elected in May and will take office in August. Nominations will be taken openly during the May meeting. Julia stated that in the past when she has served for organizations they kept these ballots for history. The recommendation was that nominations taken and voting will take place by ballot in May.

Proctored Exams. Hubert asked if the ELC Association use to have a policy in place that the academic dean could approve that the school could offer additional proctored exams (no more than 4). He currently offers some of the science courses, such as General Chemistry with five proctored exams. Ellene McCrimon stated that these types of courses would need to be


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