MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

MSVCC has entered a contract with Sloan Consortium to provide professional development training. They offer eighty-five workshops and a certificate tack. MSVCC is paying the membership for 100 seats. The eLCs will have a webinar in February. Terry provided a handout. (Attachment 4-1.28)

eLearning Training Group

No report was given during this session.

Strategic Planning Breakout Session

One committee will report each month. Below is schedule.

Best Practices – Terry Pollard - Present @ February Meeting Technology –Chris Square - Present @ March Meeting Quality – Jennifer Leimer - Present @ April Meeting Support – Audra Leverton - Present @ May Meeting Administration – Tish Stewart - Present @ June Meeting

Learning Circle

No learning circle report was given during this session.

Michelle Mitchell-PRCC will present in February and Alicia Shown-SWMCC will present in March.

Important Dates

February 2 nd February 17 th February 25 th

No Shows Due

eLC Meeting via Wimba

Audit Cutoff Date Print Audit Roles

March 11 th April 1 st April 29 th May 2 nd

Last Day to Withdraw MSVCC Term Ends

Grades Due

Question and Answer Session

Christian emailed the group the following questions to be discussed at the January meeting.

1. Is your institution being fully supported by the SBCJC eLearning Staff? 2. What are reasonable expectations for service as delivered by SBCJC? 3. What issues should be addressed by SBCJC, and what issues could be resolved through proactive troubleshooting and training? 4. When are our meetings most effective? 5. Committees – Is the committee process fruitful? Do I see this as being the best outlet to get things done within the group?


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