MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

hold off on building summer and fall Blackboard shells. Christian hopes to have updates on when shells can be build by the first week of March.


Wimba is schedule to have Lecture Capture Sessions during the Creating Futures Conference. The new building block for Wimba includes the functionality to create a lecture capture rather than a podcast. This tool is not as powerful as Tegrity or Echo 360, but it will work for lecture capture. This applies to the Wimba upgrade altogether, not just the Blackboard building block. Wimba wants to reconnect with MS. They are planning to come back and do more training to get more user participation. They will begin training at Northwest as a pilot and will continue on to the central and southern schools.

Terry provided a list of eLearning conferences. (Attachment 2-1.28)

Creating Futures Through Technology Conference

Terry stated there will be an informal learning space at the conference. USM will provide the ergonomic furniture and iPads.

Christian will email a list of committees and eLCs will be asked to select assignments.

Terry provided a press release about the conference. (Attachment 3-1.28)

MSVCC Instructor of the Year-Christian will email information concerning the MSVCC instructor of the year. Nominations will need to be submitted by the end of February.

SACS Update-Andrea Mayfield and Christian Pruett gave a presentation on the MSVCC at the SACS conference. They received great feedback.

USM/JSU Updates-Amy Thornton is the USM eLC representative. A MSVCC/JSU partnership has been approved. The earliest that JSU will start utilizing MSVCC courses will be this summer. Their eLC representative has not been identified. The process of partnering with universities was discussed at length.

Training Courses-The Teaching Effectively Online course will be offered in March. Jenny Jones will also offer Notify Me! a course on the Blackboard Early Warning System.


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