MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

The group was interested in the Support Tab/sub-tabs that Terry demonstrated in the Blackboard training sessions. He will look at implementing the support tab after the upgrade. State Board will continue to pay for the Readi for the next two years. The license with Resondus will be renewed also.

Strategic Planning Committee Reports

There was no report this month. The Quality Committee was asked about the progress of the course survey. They are still waiting on responses from student services deans.

The Administrative Committee requested to present in April concerning No Shows.

 Best Practices – Terry Pollard - Present @ April Meeting  Technology –Chris Square - Present @ May Meeting  Quality – Jennifer Leimer - Present @ June Meeting  Support – Audra Leverton - Present @ July Meeting  Administration – Tish Stewart - Present @ August Meeting

Learning Circle

Alicia Shows (Southwest) provided a handout from the Distance Learning Policy Laboratory. (See Attachment) The information suggests developing a list of students who take strictly online courses. Develop ways to evaluate the students to determine the things that MSVCC provides other than just classes. Alicia also suggested that the eLCs review the Educational Achievement Council Report.

Learning Circle Schedule

Coahoma – April

Co-Lin – May

East Central -June

Open Forum

The SACS Distance and Correspondence Education Policy Statement was discussed. (See Attachment) SACS’ biggest focus is students in online classes getting the same services as traditional students. SACS’ policy regarding instructors credential and the number of classes that can be taught were discussed.


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