MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

2011 – September Part 2 MSVCC Bootcamp 2011

sky fire ( a browser that will run flash files on iPad)

(EMAIL notes to Margaret Britt)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We're not in Kansas Anymore - Christian Pruett 1:30 - 2:30

Microsoft vs Apple comparison

Things to think about: Who am I? What do I want my elearning dept to be? What do we want as a consortium?

Exercise: Imposing order on Chaos Point of the exercise is to get ELCs to think about Big Picture

Drawing Exercise: Point of exercise - adaptability. Things change (adversity comes) in an instant. Think about how you will handle it. Attitude is critical.

Developing a mission statement - Terry Pollard

Brainstormed different verbs and nouns to use in mission statements.

Using group generated verbs and nouns, write mission statement for elearning depts.

To teach and support students and faculty in the learning process while enabling customers to use technology effectively and efficiently to meet their goals.

To support, train, and empower our customers on the ever-changing technologies.

Leadership Throughout History: Reel Experiences - Dr. Billy Stewart Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:00 - 4:00 William Wilburforce - Movie (Amazing Grace) Wilburforce worked under John Newton as an apprentice. Newton wrote Amazing Grace after he sought out God in the middle of a storm. leadership skills demonstrated - composure, strategy

Who you are is who you are in the dark - "Mark Twain"?



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