MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

steadfastness he listened all the way through his message - although he opposed the view loyalty humility - didn't need to take credit ability to look at problems/solutions from different angles ability to use politics to your benefit may have to go alternate routes to reach the solution


Elearning Association Meeting - September 2011 Tuesday, September 27, 2011 4:00-7:00pm

I. Call to order II. Agenda Approved III. Minutes Approved IV. Policies and Procedures Manual Updates from October 2010 - Buffy Matthews  Page 9 - #10 security issues(add comma) 

Page 20 - the confidentiality agreement should be signed by all personnel who have access to the proctored exam database. Copies of signed agreements will be housed in the ELC's office. Association also agreed to add a copy of the confidentiality form to the Policies and Procedures manual.  Page 21 - quality letters sent in October  Changes were voted upon and approved

V. New Business 

Enrollment Tool Modifications o

Dates Submitted/Modified in the Grades Tool - b/c this is driven by course, not student, the best way to deal with is to handle it procedurally. After deadline, instructors must submit grade changes to ELC...then ELC reports to Christian and other ELC if appropriate. Will reopen for short term grades for a short window. Grade window will be shut off 72 hours after the term ends for fall and spring. It will shut off after 48 hours in the summer. A statement will be added to the policies and procedures manual regarding the time frame allotted and the process for submitting late grades. o Questions about Audit - two places roster can be pulled for audit. Roster by individual instructor or roster under Audit section - List Courses. On this roster, status date will appear on roster. Original status date is the date the student was added to the course. If a student is withdrawn, the LDA will appear on the roster. If student was reinstated, and the date falls within the e-audit time frame, the student will be counted. Within the sixth - eighth week, there will be a place at the bottom where the instructor can add their electronic signature. If there is a discrepancy on LDA or Active/Inactive status, it must be changed through normal processing in ET. After the eighth week, roster will be locked. This is the roster that should be printed for audit purposes. Will be in effect Spring 2012. Jennifer requested that a statement be added to Policies and Procedures manual about the process for processing audit rolls. o Proctored exam database - Holly asked about None/Permitted materials - radio button will be added. o Batch Processes  Keri Cole presented proposal on behalf of external enrollment tool committee. Discussion ensued about batch processes.


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