MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

are ways we can help these campuses that are having this issue. There is a proctor center lab where 80% of the students are not their students. There are ways we can address this issue: i. Standardized the testing windows across the 15 community colleges. This means we will all proctor tests at the same time. ii. We can allow the out of district student to take their exams, but charge them a small fee. If this is the option we go with, there will have to be a standard fee that everyone agrees with. iii. Schedule your students first and if anything left can go to another college student. Our policy should state that we have priority seating for OUR students. If you are not one of our students then you will get the leftover appointments. This is the best option. ELCs need to provide Christian with some suggestions about how we can solve this issue and make a decision how we want to move forward. c. Audit Process in ET-There has been some confusion about the audit process. The Enrollment Tool audit was not built to change the way you complete your audit at your colleges. It was only designed to provide the online instructors a way to sign the ET audit electronically. On the day of the 6 th week Christian will flip the switch so instructors can electronically sign their audit roll(s). The auditors are looking at all online students whether they are your students or not. Your college is getting funding for all of the students that are enrolled in your online courses. Once Christian opens the audit for instructors to sign, we have two weeks to clear up any mistakes that have been made. Christian will notify the ELC group at least 48 hours before he closes the audit window. The Community College Board did approve an attendance policy that will be used to measure cutouts or excessive absences. This policy was been sent to APA for approval before it can be released. d. (AI) LMS RFP Update-Is BB the best provider? We have vendors that will come in to consult with us on the RFP process when choosing an LMS. The group is called Delta Initiative. In February we need to come up with five or six of the ELCs that will serve on a committee. There will also be some people from the Technology group, Administration, and at least one President that will serve on this committee. Christian wants someone other than a State Board member to be chair of the committee. MGCCC wants to be part of this committee. Christian would like to take the list of members that will be on the committee to the Presidents for approval in February. The ELCs asked that the LMS systems to be piloted before making a decision. Our Blackboard contract ends June 30, 2013. So Christian would for us to have decision about which LMS we are going with by the end of the year. e. (AI)E-Attendance. Christian would like to create a MSVCC absentee policy that everyone can agree on that will measure absences for online courses. f. Pre-Conference. The Pre-Conference is on March 7 th from 9-4:30 at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi. To sign-up for the Pre-Conference, visit the CFTTC website and click on the MSVCC logo. There are 55 seats per session. The ELCs will need to register for the Pre-Conference. g. User Management in Snapshot from Term-to-Term. There are times when faculty need to go back to look at students work. The group decided to have at least two years of courses available for faculty. The problem with that is that the user from two years ago may not be sent up in the current snapshot. So a manual upload can be uploaded, but the problem is when the snapshot runs again, the student is disabled. Christian suggests if we are having a lot of instances where we have to refer back to previous courses, we need to ask our IT folks to add a script that will keep the faculty and student (user.txt file) active for a certain amount of time.


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