MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

h. Enrollment Tool (ET) Bulk Upload. The problem with doing a bulk upload in the Enrollment Tool is the seat count. Ive continues to get a lot of requests about building database systems/websites/ etc. and is getting overwhelmed with all of the requests. If we are not happy with ET, then the ET sub-committee needs to draft the “perfect” ET and present the proposal to Christian and Ive. If Ive doesn’t have the time to build a “new” ET then Christian will take the proposal to the Presidents to get approval to hire a consultant or sub-contractor to help rebuild the ET. i. New Resource Web Site. Terry has created a new resource web site. The site address is Faculty can click the login and have other resources available to them just like they did before. Trainers as well. j. List of 2012 Nationwide Conferences. Terry will send out a handout that lists all the conference nationwide. The handout is divided based on pedagogy and LMS. k. Potential Pricing for Blackboard Connections Summit. The State Board is going to pay for one person’s registration fee at each institution to attend the Blackboard Connections Summit. This will pay for the Blackboard Collaborate and Blackboard Learn sessions. The conference is July 10-12 th . Terry needs to know by February who will be attending the conference so he can do a single transaction. l. Sloan-C courses. Terry received lots of requests from faculty to sign-up for Sloan-C courses. We only have a 12 month contract and so anyone that wants to take any more of these courses will have register prior to April 20 th . Terry will send us a list of the courses that are being offered this spring and summer. If your faculty would like to sign-up for a summer course they will have to sign-up prior to April 20 th . m. PD Registration Site, GoSignMeUp. This site is built for the trainers to build both their online and on-campus training sessions. Once the courses are built, instructors will be directed to this site to sign-up for the training sessions. Terry will hold a training session on how this site will work this summer. You can limit the seats in the session, have a waiting list and print certificates upon the instructor’s completion of the training session. The site will be available for Academy this spring. n. Course Merge Tool. The merge tool will merge multiple sections of the same course into one Blackboard course shell. This tool will be great for the hybrid and traditional classes. The tool will need to be piloted in the summer before it is implemented in the fall. o. McGraw-Hill building block update. There have been issues of instructors after building content within McGraw-Hill and when they click to access the content they are being directed to MDCC Blackboard login page. The fix for the bug is coming next month. p. Course Smart and Vital Source. Vital Source has a new building block that will allow a particular user to log into Blackboard and manage the e-textbook management within Blackboard. Someone in the textbook store will upload a CSV file that will be uploaded into Blackboard. The building block will be out next month. Terry will send out a new eTextbook grid. Committee Reports a. Best Practices. Accessibility course through Academy. Accessibility. Terry will be offering an online course on Accessibility. He is going to teach the faculty how to make documents like PowerPoint and Word accessible. The course will be part of the Academy this spring. b. Support Committee - February Meeting



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d. Hinds – January– Audra Leverton. Audra asked questions about full-time instructors. For those that have full-time instructors, how are the full-time instructors being used? What potential do


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