MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

d. (AI)BB 9.8. According to Christian, there will be no permission issues with Blackboard 9.8. Blackboard has modified the system so that when content is copied into another shell it will not create a separate link in the content system. The interface is drastically different than the current version of Blackboard. Christian will send testing accounts to each college and the ELCs will need to vote in March to move forward with BB 9.8 or not. e. Academic Mail-outs. The certificates and list of SLOAN C courses were mailed to the colleges. f. Accessibility. There will be small training sessions on Accessibility for faculty. Terry will provide more information about these trainings soon. Terry also thinks it would be great if the trainers at each college deliver this type of training using the training materials provided by him. g. MSVCC Resource page. Wimba Voice and BB Collaboration training materials are posted within the resource site. You can access this information by logging into h. Merge Tool. We will need to pilot this tool and will be able to move forward in the fall if no problems occur. Marjory Thrash at PRCC will be the one to pilot the tool.


Committee Reports a. Support Committee - February Meeting


Sharing Circle g. East Central – February – Chris Jenkins discussed concerns about our growth and retention. He would like for the group to come up with some standards or requirements that students need to know before they register for online courses. Maybe this will prevent students that don’t need to take online courses from registering for them. The support and best practices committees will need to work together on creating these standards. h. East Mississippi – March– Chris Square


Open Forum



a. February 3—No Shows b. Feb. 22—ELC Meeting at State Office, Jackson c. February 24—Cut-off date for full-term online courses d. March 9—eAudit has to be signed by instructors e. March 22—ELC Meeting (Online) f. March 26—Have course offerings for Summer and Fall in ET g. March 30—Last day to withdraw for full-term online courses h. April 2—ELC Meeting @MCCB Office i. April 3—Early Registration opens for Summer and Fall j. April 30—Grades due for Spring 2012 semester


Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 1:24 p.m.


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