MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

b. MSVCC Attendance Policy. The group will create an attendance policy so that the auditors can know that the online courses have an attendance policy just like traditional classes. One meeting per week attendance. Christian will also begin looking at e-Attendance software. Christian will revisit with the group in March. c. Mission Statement: The group will tentatively meet on April 2nd to draft a mission statement for eLearning. d. “Perfect ET”-Chris Square will get with Holly Melvin about this request. e. Blackboard World-More information is to come. The registration fee is $525 to attend the Blackboard World Conference. We need to add a date to “our” calendar to purge proctor exam passwords in ET. The group discussed two weeks after grades are due as a possible timeframe. Keri Cole made the motion to add this item to the calendar and that it will be two weeks after grades are due and Kimberly Ellis seconded the motion. Motion carried. b. Word change on the Proctor Exam Password page in the ET. The group would like for Ive to change the label from “None” to “Permitted Materials”. c. Calendar Changes. *Summer 2013-The change that is recommended is to move the beginning date to June 3 rd . *Summer 2013-2014 has not been approved by the Dean’s Association. Email Keri any changes that need to be made to the 2013-2014 calendars by Friday, February 24th. *Spring 2013-The change has already been approved by the deans to move the starting date to Monday, Jan. 14 th and Add/Drop period will be Jan. 14 and 15. The last day to withdraw will stay March 29th and the colleges will have to work with each other on that following Monday to get the withdrawals processed. b. E-Attendance Rosters/Audit. The auditors have to know the status of every online student. So the best way to capture the active and inactive students is to use the MSVCC e-attendance for audit purposes. Christian would like the instructors to sign and print by the 8 th week. There has been a status field added to show any status changes that have been made. The auditors will look at the following fields on the MSVCC e-attendance rosters: active/withdrawn, LDA, and Status Date. Any status changes made after the cut-off (Feb. 24) will not be counted without proper documentation. If the student is reinstated during the first 8 weeks, then you will need documentation in order to count the student for audit. For short-term II online courses for Spring 2012, March 30 is the cut-off date, must be signed by instructors by April 12 and printed on April 13. For full-term courses this is the process for the audit in the ET: on the Friday of the 6 th week the e-attendance will be open for signatures and must be signed and printed by the Friday of the 8 th week. For short-term online classes the process for the audit in the ET: on the Friday of the 3 rd week the e-attendance will be open for signatures and must be signed and printed by the Friday of the 5 th week. Christian will provide handouts and dates to lessen the confusion. c. (AI)Grading Window for Short-term Courses. Christian will report back in March about the grading window for short-term courses. MCCB Business a. RFP task force for an LMS. Christian provided a list of the committee members. All changes need to be made before Friday, February 24th. New Business a. Scheduled date to remove proctor exam passwords in ET.




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