MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

institution and BB. Akiah will take up some of the questions with Canvas regarding BBIM integration. n. System level training for Collaborate/Voice: Need admin training. Find out who will administer at each college to establish training. Manager, admin, supervisor level hierarchy for managing the accounts. One implementation for everyone—no single trainings per institution. More detailed conversations once we have the technical components ironed out. Three online learning service trainings—basics for using the tools within the LMS. i. How to get information to BB: FTP? Could be since they have to build it. Canvas sends through API and BB through FTP. Preference would be to use our Canvas files to not duplicate efforts ii. Where in Canvas is the link for BBIM? Answer unknown at this time. Same process for entire consortium is preferential but answer is still unknown at this time. BB will research. Would be preferred as registered service such as Facebook, Skype, etc. iii. BBIM: bkfinnegan or


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