MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
f. Mr. Pugh reminded the association members that the nine items in the Course Detail form include the SACs requirement for what constitutes a syllabus. All DLCs should evaluate the course details for each course their college offers. g. Mr. Pugh has asked that DLCs send a report to him indicating which away courses have been rejected by their college and why. 1.Mr. Pugh expressed appreciation of the Distance Learning Coordinators and support staff. 2.Mr. Pugh stated that the Clarion Ledger intends to do another article about the MSVCC. Mr. Pugh stated that as the growth of the MSVCC continues, it is having a large impact on other states in the Southeast and their efforts in distance learning. Mr. Pugh informed the association that the MSVCC had a significant influence on SACs changing the residency rule. 3.Blackboard-database purge at end of summer. Remind instructors or others who enroll students in Bb. Must use standardized naming scheme when creating users. Purging is made more difficult as a result of not following scheme. 4.Office hours are required for all courses. No indication of amount in SACS. Janice stated that they include a campus contact for away instructors. MGCCC responded with proof of contact including phone number and email in every course. Ellene will check on policy. 5.Mr. Burnette addressed the problem of students who have been removed from classes still appearing in student report. 6.___________ asked if members remove “No Show” students from MSVCC. Most responded, only during add/drop. 7.Ms. Cumberland, student report-doesn’t like formatting. Need a more efficient format so that sorting can be accomplished. Mr. Yates suggested that you pull it from All ECCC students enrolled in MGCCC courses. And pull away student classes from other report. 8.Running Statistics a. Non-duplicated collegestudent count 9.When logged in as p 10. If an error is found, verify first, then send error report to Beverlin. Include error code. DLC only should contact SBCJC. DLCs should contact only DLCs, not away instructors. 11. Jenniffer Wamsley Students who get locked out of self enrollment tool, or do not select courses, do not appear in non-verified list and students cannot get back in to finish. DLCs have to search through all to see which ones have no courses listed. Ive will correct so that enrollment is not complete until courses are selected. a. Discussed different mechanisms for offering local/away courses. Discussed “management of local enrollment.” (Ask Mark for wording on this) b. July 1, ISBNs change…need to check listings. a. State board has traditionally contributed a significant amount to MSVCC. Expenses have increased at MSVCC and budgets have been cut at State Board. Funding for MSVCC was cut. President’s group was consulted with options…tentative budget, SBCJC will support MSVCC through December. Colleges agreed to assess $10 per course enrollment fee. Each college will determine where the fee will come from. Money flows through President’s association. Budget FY 06 MSVCC will become self supported. For current fiscal year, budget has been set,…half year’s worth of salaries, bb license, MELO etc. FY 06 revenues and expenditures will be estimated. Will keep us out of legislature and will give us some buying power. Contract between State Board and Consortium for staffing MSVCC personnel so that employees will still
E. Other
IV. New Business A. Funding
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