MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
be state employees. Contracts with vendors will be with DLC Assoc. Presidents will approve budget that director of DL presents. At close of add/drop a report for first term (Jan05) will be generated and an invoice will be submitted to each institution. B. Blackboard Portal a. With restructuring of budgets, portal has been purchased. Probably will be deployed at beginning of August. Jason will provide additional info on portal. C. Grade Submission 1. Enrollment tool grade form created to transfer grades securely between colleges. 2. Auditors/pres assoc scrutinized grade submission process. Will have to be very careful with process and who has access to grade submission form. Registrars/DLCs/Instructors should be persons responsible for entering grades. Get letter from President giving you permission to work with grades. 3. If you do not get your grades submitted into enrollment tool, it will be up to each institution to get their grades transferred. MSVCC will not give instruction. 4. Documentation a must for any grade changes. Need a paper trail. D. MELO 1. Library directors put together package to buy databases through MSVCC rather than each college having to purchase individual access. Kathleen & Jason will try to provide training this year on MELO. Will come to a DLC meeting and give us a presentation on MELO. Each college should then coordinate with Kathleen to have her present session to online/traditional instructors. No cost to institutions. E. CAVS 1. Center for advanced vehicular systems 2. Scott Calhoun 3. Created software called Insite lets you create course modules. Can be attached to LMS…does not replace LMS. Will do a presentation in September. Can import ppt sides and html files. Can setup course, in an outline view. Can create “skins” templates for each college. Supports sequencing(adaptive)—pass/fail. An external tool for content management. Can be built/modified offline. Right now, it’s free. F. LDA’s G. Attendance Policies H. Test Proctoring Policies 1. Proctor centers with shortened time frame are placing burdens on other colleges. I. Textbooks 1. See memo from Dr. Garner 2. Official MSVCC policy—coordinate with Bookstore Managers about policy. 3. Questions should be directed to Dr. Garner. 4. Mr. Yates questions: a. If a bookstore is leased, b. Bookstore doesn’t get markup after doing all the work 5. FTE formulas are still being worked out. 3/5 head count 2/5 fte…supposed to be equally weighted so that it is feasible to host/provide.
V. Special Topics
A. Instructional Support 1. With change of budget, hope to provide more instructional support activities. Give Jason some ideas of what types of instructional support we are looking for. B. Strategic Plan Implementation
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