MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

III. Approval of December Minutes . Phyllis Johnson made the motion to accept minutes; Michelle Mitchell seconded motion. Motion carried.


Unfinished Business


MCCB Business

a. CFTTC/InstructureCon Registration

i. Audra distributed CFTTC Pre Conference Workshop for March 4. Audra stated that state board is paying registration fee for 2 attendees from each institution. The registration code will be emailed, enter the code after you select purchase order. If there is a problem entering code, email Audra to enter the code. ii. State Board is going to pay registration fee for 18 attendees to attend InstructureCon. If an institution does not use the registration, other institutions will get an opportunity to utilize the registration. Audra will email the code as soon as she gets it. This year’s theme is SCL the Musical (Student Centered Learning). This year’s conference is June 16 – 18; institutions typically fly out on Monday and return on Friday. Proposals to present are due January 23. b. Spring Term proctoring services i. There is concern with 1 st - 8 week courses ending during the week of spring break who do not plan to proctor exams during that week (Co-Lin, Northeast and Pearl River). The problem is students who are enrolled in other school’s courses who give their exams during the week of spring break. Since those schools are giving their exams during that week, institutions need to make sure students will be able to take proctored exams.

c. Spring 2014 Assessment

i. Audra indicated that the spring 2014 assessments are based on audited numbers not current enrollment. The Finance department will send the assessment invoice of the adjusted amounts to the Business Offices. Audra will also email the assessment report.

d. Talking Points

i. Audra stressed the need to maintain cash in our account to help sustain the Virtual College. The Presidents meeting in December did not result in consensus of how to change the funding formula or how to change or reduce assessment. ii. This month, Dr. Nettles is going to present proposal for the mini grant. eLCs are urged to prepare Presidents for a vote on mini grants. Audra state that other initiatives such as the proctoring system, new programmer, tutor referral system and marketing should be presented to the Presidents one at a time. e. Instructor of the Year i. Audra sent email to remind the five evaluators to complete evaluations by January 30. Initial email was sent in December.


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