MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

f. New ET Review i. The ET reveal is February 4 at Holmes Community College. Limit participants to four per institution. g. Academy i. Brooke Doggett distributed the 2015 Spring Academy Webinars and Courses handout. A final list will be emailed with the links. Brooke will also send calendar invites to be distributed to faculty.


IHL Partners a. MSU Seamless Transfer Program – Audra

i. The Director of Distance Learning at MSU visited Presidents to discuss the seamless transfer of online education. They are promoting this program to the institutions’ graduates. Jackson State is working on a similar program for online and traditional program.


New Business

a. Funding Formula Committee

i. A committee will need to be comprised of CFOs, Presidents and members of eLC Association. Tish Stewart, Keri Cole and Krista LeBrun will be on the committee. Two to three additional eLCs are asked to participate to represent the group. b. BFAC Implementation i. Everyone was asked to add their point of contact to the Google Doc. Krystal Minor will contact institutions set up user accounts. ii. Send text message to 95577 with keyword MSVCC to receive text message notifications from MCCB iii. Jennifer James presented ideas that members wanted to utilize with the MSVCC application. Recommendations and ideas are to be sent to Jennifer James via the Google Doc by January 24. c. SmarterProctoring Pilot Training i. Training is at Hinds Community College Muse Center January 30 in Meeting Room 2.




Sharing Circle


Open Forum


Important Dates

a. Files go up this Friday (January 16) at noon b. Next eLearning meeting will be Wednesday, February 25 at 10:00 am at MCCB




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