MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

III. Approval of January Minutes . Jennifer James made the motion to accept minutes; Jennifer Leimer seconded motion. Motion carried.


Unfinished Business

a. Update consortium BFAC app – Jennifer James

i. Majority of colleges voted for the approval for the best practices and mobile app configuration via the Googledoc.


MCCB Business

a. MSVCC Instructor of the Year

i. Marjorie Thrash from Pearl River was presented as Instructor of the year at CFTTC

b. MILD Mini-Gants

i. Each college was awarded the grant in the amount they requested. Audra recommended colleges provide specific (but not too specific) details to cover costs. It is best to avoid too much or too little information.

c. New ET Testing & Deployment

i. Testing and deployment were halted to prevent overlapping of new ET

d. ET/Canvas Integration Testing

i. Audra stated that integration testing will hopefully resume within two to three weeks after rollout of the new ET.

e. Host/Provider – Up one/down one credit hours

i. Based on new validations with state board audit system, same course with different credit hours will be rejected. Schools can go up a credit or down a credit. However; in order to get paid, the course has to be built in their SIS the same way the crediting institution has the course built. Otherwise, schools will need to create a policy to say they are not going to pull in course with different number of credit hours. USM Request for Instructor Information i. MSVCC and state board are not required to share instructor date of birth, social security number and home address. Since this is not included in the Memorandum of Agreement, we may need to address with deans/VPs to determine if changes should be made. g. MELO i. Audra passed out the FY16 MELO grant budget and MELO request sheets. FY16 budget request is $6,227.25 more than FY’15. Increases in all areas except NBC Learn and Discovery Platform. h. FY16 Budget Requests i. The committee proposed a maintenance fee in the amount of $2,250 for Glenn McDowell at Northwest Mississippi Community College to maintain the database website. They also requested funding for Films on Demand and Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). If funding cannot be supported for both, they prefer CINAHL. Vanessa Alexander made motion to accept FY16 budget request which include maintenance fee for Glenn McDowell; Kim Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried. Michelle Mitchell made motion to table request for additional funds until usage reports for current and future services are available; Jennifer James seconded motion. Motion carried. f.

i. Changes to Student Services Survey questions


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