MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of May Minutes .


Unfinished Business a. Zoom Pilot

i. Audra stated that MSVCC was quoted a six month paid pilot with up to 300 host accounts and 10 Polycom room connectors for $6,500. eLCs need to determine how small or large we want testing, $6,500 is a portion of the cost. Host accounts allow the ability to schedule a meeting. Host have to be defined so colleges will need to be assigned a certain number of accounts. Tish Stewart requested specific features be included with the pilot along with Polycom training and Canvas integration feature. Kimberly Ellis made motion to move forward with six month pilot with Zoom for $6,500 Buffy Matthews seconded motion. Motion carried. ii. Jennifer Leimer expressed concern regarding the problems with BBIM and the additional training with the adoption of Zoom. Krista also agreed with Jennifer. The RFP will need to be written to include all of the features and specifications that we want from Zoom and BBIM. Christa Wilhite made motion to extend contract with BBIM one year Tish Stewart seconded motion. Motion carried.

b. Library Reciprocal Lending Agreement

i. The librarian at Mississippi Delta Community College questioned the necessity of lending agreement documents in the Policy and Procedures Manual. According to Ken Chapman, member of Library Committee, the lending agreement is not required or needed because information is web based or sent electronically. Jennifer Leimer made motion to remove appendix K and L from the MSVCC Policy and Procedures Manual Vanessa Alexander seconded motion. Motion carried.


MCCB Business

a. FY16 Budget i. Audra sent Dr. Nettles budget items that were recommended for approval by the eLCs as well as ideas and information the eLCs may consider in the future. The FY16 budget was agreed on and voted on.

b. SmarterProctoring i. Issues

1. Audra will contact Andrew to set day and time to address issues and problems.

a. Kimberly Ellis indicated that students can schedule multiple appointments for same course by clicking on back button. Also, students do not know to change mile radius and so they are being limited to one proctor lab. In addition, Michelle Mitchell indicated students are able to schedule exams after deadline.

b. Kandace Martin indicted that students do not have access to student exception.


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