MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

III. Approval of May Minutes . Jennifer James made the motion to accept minutes; Phyllis Johnson seconded motion. Motion carried.

IV. Approval of June Minutes. Kimberly Ellis made motion to accept June minutes; Jennifer James seconded motion. Motion carried.


Unfinished Business


MCCB Business

a. Zoom Pilot

i. In order to proceed with pilot, group must commit to pay. The cost is $7,000 instead of $6,500 as previously discussed and agreed. The extra $500 is for additional programming, which involves instant messaging feature. The free version has been extended for two more weeks. Web conferencing integration with Canvas is available now; however, instant messaging feature, will take longer. The price quote includes 10 room connectors total with the poly conference. Keri Cole made motion to move forward with Zoom now and get IM feature later Christa Wilhite seconded motion. Motion carried.

ii. Keri Cole made motion to spend extra $500 to proceed with programming Phyllis Johnson seconded motion. Motion Carried.

b. SARA – Audra Kimble

i. Legislation passed this spring to allow Mississippi to be part of SARA, however to join SARA we to have a portal agency. IHL will be the portal agency. Twenty seven states have already joined SARA. Discussions between college Presidents and Interim Director at MCCB, Executive Director IHL and Commissioner of Education at IHL are needed in order to move forward with SARA. Beverlin is in process of updating spreadsheet to send out end of July. Colleges will need to identify states they need to pursue authorization. c. Proposition 42 – Audra Kimble i. Audra presented a power point to show projections and percentages of Proposition 42 changes the rules and Proposition 42A leaving in hands of legislature. A vote to pass Prop 42 means adequate and efficient system of public schools but would enforce

injunctive release which gives chancery judge control over reimbursements and budgets. A vote to pass Prop 42A means leaving the law as it is with Legislature in control.

d. MSVCC Academy – Brook Doggett i. Brooke indicated Ive is working on Canvas ID to negate to the actual ID or username. Canvas ID an email address may be used to substitute. The home address is required to send books to instructors’ home address. Attendance will be available to eLCs via the new ET. An evaluation or small activity at the end of the webinar will hopefully be added in the future. Audra stated the webinars are available to anybody, not just current or prospective instructors. A Google doc will be sent to eLCs to vote if they want an email sent to instructors from MCCB via the ET.


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