MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

e. BFAC – Audra Kimble

i. BFAC is offering additional free training and support for mobile and texting app in hopes that institutions will be more active. MSVCC app should be ready before or by beginning of fall.


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a. Nominations for President i. Tish Stewart ii. Buffy Matthews iii. Chris Square iv. Kim Harris v. Vanessa Alexander vi. Michele Mitchell vii. Jennifer Powell b. Nominations for Secretary i. Haley Duck

ii. Kandace Martin iii. Christa Wilhite iv. Kim Steinman v. Melody Pennington vi. Chris Square c. The Administration Committee recommended changes to the duties of the President, President-Elect and Secretary. The role of President and President-Elect of the association will be carried out by Chief eLearning Officer or as approved by the Chief eLearning Officer. President shall preside at all meetings; serve as a chair at the eLearning Association meetings; serve as an active member of the Administrative Committee; may have to represent the eLearning Association at Presidents meeting. Changes for President-Elect duties are to represent as the Chief eLearning Officer or as approved by the Chief eLearning Officer; attend all meetings of the Association; plan and organize the eLearning Summer Retreat; discharge duties of President, serve as acting member of Administrative Committee; assist technologies during meetings. Recommended changes for Secretary are to attend all meetings, record minutes of the meeting including Summer Retreat; to distribute minutes within one week; to record and update eLC information and record eLearning minutes and other information in the eLearning Association Canvas course. The Administrative Committee suggested changing wording from eLearning Coordinator or eLC to eLearning Association. Michelle Sumerel made motion to approve duties for President, President-Elect and Secretary Keri Cole seconded motion. Motion carried. d. Jennifer Leimer made motion to authorize the Administrative Committee to begin making changes to the bylaws to support the name change and officer duties Vanessa Alexander seconded motion. Motion carried e. Nominations for President and Secretary can be emailed to the Administrative Committee beginning Monday. Nominations will be voted on at the August meeting. Audra Kimble will email the updated list of officer duties.


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