MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Committees a. 30 minute committee meeting session b. Presentation by Chair of each committee on annual progress of Strategic Plan

i. Quality Committee (Jennifer Leimer) strategic goals are “ongoing” and proceeding as plan. Resources and data obtained through Quality Matter Standards from Hinds and Northwest will provide information to assist with better quality online classes. In the long term, data may also be used for instructor evaluation. ii. Training Committee (Kimberly Ellis) goals and objectives were marked in “in progress”. The committee plans to meet with Brooke to update information. iii. Support Services Committee (Jennifer James) completed adoption of proctored test management systems; review and recommend the adoption of mobile app; implementation of tutoring referral system (fully implemented fall 2015); implementation of new data system. iv. Instructional Technology (Christa Wilhite, represented) goals continuously ongoing because of ever-evolving technology. The committee will add results to show progress. 1. To support communication and collaboration goal, Audra suggested the formation of RFP process Committee to outline the scope of expectations and gather information to move forward with Zoom before the spring. Tish Stewart; Katherine Puckett; Krista LeBrun, Christa Wilhite; Melody Pennington and member of Holmes IT department will serve on the committee v. Administration Committee (Krista LeBrun) exploring options for additional, dedicated staff at the MCCB was approved by Presidents but still considered “in progress” because of changes at the state department as well as budget matters. Establishing measurable benchmarks for student achievement ongoing and in progress; goal extended until spring 2016. Audra will send an email to gather and track all updates.


Sharing Circle (tabled)


Open Forum

a. Spring Break – Tish Stewart

i. Audra will email Google Doc to obtain information about college holidays

b. Which schools have a No Book/Proctor Policy/ID – Kimberly Ellis

i. Tish and Krista stated that instructors are not to have an open book test. Formula sheets are accepted from the instructor.


Important Dates

i. Next eLearning Association meeting August 27 at 10:00 a.m. at MCCB




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