MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

information, State Board is hosting a day to educate us on it. IT people, CEOs, and Academic Deans will receive an invitation. Audra also sent the group an invitation to forward to other institution folks who may be interested in attending. There is a Google Doc (linked in the e-mail invitation) for sign-up. There is no limit on how many people can attend, but sign-up is needed in order to know how much lunch to order and for nametags. d. OLC Membership (formerly Sloan Consortium) i. State Board has a membership to OLC. OLC allows members to purchase trainings at a discount. Brooke has purchased about $3,000 of training opportunities. OLC has a ‘special’ going on until September 18 th and has lowered membership costs. Brooke attended a 2-week course that gave her access to a Quality ScoreCard that can be used to evaluate your eLearning program. Audra e-mailed out ScoreCard. There will be a webinar, to participate in, to find out more.

1. Keri stated that the additional membership only gives access to an interactive ScoreCard (web-based). If you want OLC to evaluate your distance-learning program, they charge an additional $7,500. Keri asked OLC who would evaluate – and they just said ‘experts in the field’. Keri stated that colleges may not want to purchase the membership, or the evaluation – but we should look at the e-mailed copy of the ScoreCard internally.

e. Enrollment Tool (Ive)

i. Self-Service Issues that have been fixed: 1. Ive made the save button disappear after one click, so students can’t click twice. This will resolve the issue of students getting locked in the system if they click twice because the button is spinning. 2. The system is now set up where courses will not show if they have already started. 3. Login for Student Profiles has changed to the requested fields -- first name, last name, college, ID, semester. E-mail was removed. 4. All other items  Self-Service will be re-designed. Ive wants to wait on pushing out for Spring semester, so students don’t get confused. The plan is that the group will be able to access it mid-Fall. ii. Main ET stuff that is ready to be pushed out: 1. Textbook with Comment – orange panel will show if Comment is attached to the course. This comment is also available in download form. 2. Course Alignment – easy to read format. 3. Course Assignment Review – Courses that are disabled are not showing anymore. Ive explained that courses showing in red reflect courses that have not had all of the 3 actions completed yet (audit, midterm, and final grades submitted). 4. Campus to show on the top of rosters. a. The group asked Ive to add Campus beside each student also on the roster. He said yes. 5. Extract students by e-mail. To do this, go to a course – beside the roster link, click ‘Extract Email’


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