MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

i. Tish asked about policies regarding 4-week classes, and requirements (how many students per class, how many assignments/discussions, etc.). Also asked about eBook, financial aid, etc. Not many suggestions were given, as many are not offering 4-week courses yet. MGCCC did state that they were not using an eBook for 4-week courses; although, Audra stated that it is highly recommended because of the short duration of the term. d. New interface from Canvas – now available in Beta. i. The Technology Committee discussed pushing the new Canvas interface to all online courses in the MSVCC in Spring16 or Summer16. This way, all students would see it at the same time, for all of their courses. Christa was going to chat with Rebecca from Canvas to validate a production date so we would have a better idea of when to move forward with pushing it out for the MSVCC. 1 year from now, it is expected to go to production.


Important Dates a. Next Meeting -- September 24 th location to be determined (in Jackson).


Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned.

Procedures and Policies (previously Sharing Circle)

Notes on Faculty Evaluation and Compliance:

Vanessa Alexander – o Formed an eLearning Committee. Currently, they e-mail, copy Deans and call instructors. Professional Development plan – required webinar training to get off the ‘bad list’.

Krista LeBrun– o

Developed a course site in Canvas – instructors are listed as students. List housekeeping items as assignments with a point value. Looks at retention and attrition rates, looks at student evaluations. Instructors must write up a report of how they will improve. If not scoring high, they are on probation and must fix the issue. If not fixed the next semester, instructors do not have a class. o Adjuncts must have 1 hour a year of Professional Development, full-time must have 10 hours a year.

Chris Square – o

Instructor Designer evaluates all courses through a rubric/form. If anything is wrong with the course, she e- mails them. Course can be rejected if the problems continue to occur. Training is then provided to coach the instructor along. If the problems continue, they are dismissed all together.

Keri Cole – o

Lead Online Instructors evaluate. Hinds has two types of probations: 


1) Course Probation. The Course Probation is based on rubric, and training is offered for each area of the rubric. If instructors score low in an area of the rubric, they must take the training and improve before they come off of probation.  2) Administrative Probation. Instructors must go through an entire training on Administrative Procedures/New Online Instructor Training.


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