MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Open Forum A. Drop/Withdrawal Form (Emily Thomas)

Several variations of the form completed. Google form is not necessarily private, but could be an option for a future ET request for security. Krista LeBrun will follow up with Ive to see if it’s an internal option and obtain a time line for implementation. Group will vote on addition of product to ET once Ive confirms that it is indeed an option; will be electronic vote via email to save time. On google form: selection of student’s host school will send an email to POC listed for that school. Selection of course’s host school will send email to POC for host. Info is pulled in real time to google spreadsheet. Keri Cole recommends MSVCC Google account creation so it’s not affiliated with a personal gmail. Concerns over documentation existing in the cloud. Info is secure based on site address, but it is not an education account; could be hacked. Writeable PDF form – emailed to group for review. B. MELA Retreat Update (Buffy Matthews) June 22 nd -24 th . 1pm start time on 22 nd . 12pm ending on June 24 th . MELA meeting will be 24 th . Sessions on 23 rd and 24 th will start at 9am. Hampton Inn and Suites in Gulfport is location. Call 228-539-0601 to reserve room in MSVCC block by June 1 st ($119 a night). Continental breakfast is provided by hotel. Meals/breaks will be covered. Each school needs to bring a door prize. Agenda will be forwarded to group as soon as dinner hosts respond with meal information. C. Graduation Deadlines (Tish Stewart) When MSVCC first started, we worked within boundaries of regular term dates in order to reduce stress at graduation. Many requests go out for grades for graduation in regards to short term courses. Holmes’ policy - students are allowed to march even if courses are in progress. How will we proceed in future to eliminate a large volume of grade requests? Gentlemen’s agreement to let college know of graduating students in advance? Would still need to abide within calendar of the consortium. This will be discussed more in depth in future as need arises. D. SmarterProctoring Training (Buffy Matthews) Google docs sent after last meeting (Training Doc and Known Issues Doc). Scheduled for July 27 th at 10am at Holmes Ridgeland. Maximum of 50 people. Anyone added after the cap will not have lunch provided. Colleges that have not signed up need to do so ASAP. Please complete Known Issues Doc ASAP so it can be addressed at training. Form for correspondence between eLearning offices and not to replace local procedures.


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