MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

E. ELC Contact Information (Buffy Matthews) Please review contact information in ELC course document. Email updated information to Christa Wilhite by May 1 st . Form will be printed and included in Retreat folder. F. ET Question (Jennifer Leimer) ET latency? Slow at MGCCC. Multiple schools are having problems. Krista LeBrun will follow up with Ive regarding issue and him pushing updates.


Sharing Circle A. MILD Grant Presentation – Sharing Circled added back to agenda. If we use MILD grant funds for PD/Conferences, please present at the next monthly meeting regarding overall experience and items of interest/value.


Important Dates

A. MELA Retreat June 22 nd -24 th . MELA meeting June 24 th 9am-12pm.

VIII. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05am. Jennifer James made the motion, and Chris Square/Jennifer Leimer seconded.


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