MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of June Agenda

Jennifer James made the motion to approve the June agenda, and Kimberly Ellis seconded the motion.


New Business A. MCCB (Krista)

1. SmarterProctoring/BVirtual - Reduce calls complaining about BVirtual to Andrew. Exclusive partnership with BVirtual is part of the contract we have at this time. Contract will increase drastically if we do not adopt BVirtual as a consortium. Direct access to contacts at BVirtual will be provided for when we have issues with the product. Please continute to copy Andrew on emails, but reach out to them directly. Andrew needs to receive students’ names and course number, also watch the video before you contact them to ensure student is indeed cheating. Recommendation to develop policies for MSVCC to ensure testing environment mimics proctoring lab. Policies will need to go in P&P. Audit of videos to watch videos and identify issues. Improving camera quality and on demand feature for instant proctoring. Jennifer James says proctoring is under the Support Committee and has offered to collect the info and pull it together. Due date – July 1st. May do electronic vote before July meeting. 2. MSVCC Budget - Presidents requested usage report of the assessment fees when MOA were sent out. If you remove cash balance, we have a 755k deficit. That deficit is coming out of the cash balance. We’d be in the hole in 6-7 years. Assessment fees went from 15 to 12. If enrollments decline and costs continue to increase, we will be in a bad place. Presidents want usage reports to show that the products we are investing in are producing results. 3. Food for Meetings - Agency spends a fair amount of funds on food. Meals will no longer be covered for meetings. Snacks only. Workshops will have meals provided. Will need to look at options for future meetings such as Room Service, break for meals, etc. 4. Funding Formula - Nettles is the chair, and the Presidents would like to reevaluate the funding formula. We are incentivizing teaching our part time students. Possibly look at incentivizing sharing of students. Gilbert presented several different options. New task force will be formed of diverse members (presidents, financial reps, IER, and eLearning) for the reevaluation. 5. Technical Specialist – Position posted since January. Interviewed, advertised, no good candidates. Wait 6 months to a year to revisit. Both IT and eLearning at the MCCB level have made some changes to absorb the work load. Not going to hire at this time. 6. MSDLA - $50 a person. MSVCC can pay for registrations if approved via vote. 2 per college. Jennifer Leimer made motion, Jennifer James seconded. Membership will cover for a year and a half. USDLA membership included in MSDLA. Renewal in December; scheduling a workshop/conference. MOTION PASSED. B. MCCB (Chris) 1. ET Updates - Ive wants us to review wish list and see if we have received what was asked. Define Roles and what they can see (ask for flow chart – in course). Needing to reduce the roles down to make the ET less bulky. Redefine roles if we change permissions. Jennifer James will put together a meeting for support committee to evaluate ET wish list . 2. MELA Course 2.0 - Course designed for everything to be accessed in two or three clicks. Calendar will include all MSVCC dates. Restructured and reorganized all old content. Highlighting current month, and documents needed immediately are available for


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