MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

download. Will archive FY16 and make FY17 available as the year rolls. MGCCC has historical documentation from original meetings. Email files and minutes to Chris so he can organize it. Canvas Toolkit (Community) info sharing, etc. Laura is looking to give us a new Canvas community site. Training opportunities tab may morph in to Canvas Catalogue – old PD site didn’t work. Resources will include usage reports. Student success rate for online courses increased by 4.5% after the introduction of NetTutor. Data came from NetTutor and ET. 3. Usage Reports - Data within new MELA course. Interactive. 4. Help Desk Tickets - Route systematic tickets to Chris to give the opportunity for Canvas to have a point of contact. He is the Canvas admin for the consortium. Use him for technology research, etc. Chris does not like Zendesk; can’t format tickets in a way that makes sense. Zendesk tickets currently need name, college, role, technology, priority, description of problem with screenshot (ALT PS). C. Textbook Shipping Costs (Jennifer Leimer) - P&P pg 23 Shipping costs have gone up, and the recommendation was to go up on fee to cover cost and insurance. Go back to bookstore and request average cost and shipping info to share at next meeting. Add that students cover extra cost if special shipping is requested. D. Financial Aid Meeting (Buffy Matthews) - Printed copy of DOE regulations that effects MSVCC in regards to the change. Talks about adding cost of textbook in to fees, provides info on the opt out option for students. College offering book at the best rate possible is what it states. Regulation is highlighted. Emailed to group. Open Forum A. Strategic Planning Committee Meetings - Changes in members and chair. Info provided in binder. Meetings will be added to agenda for MELA meetings so committees can convene. When your chair reaches out to you, it is important to respond and participate. B. Course Cancellation Deadline (Christa Wilhite) – Importance of adhering to deadline of 12pm on Friday before classes start. Also notify colleges if students come in after drop/add period due to roster reconciliation as a courtesy. Sharing Circle – MILD Grant Updates A. Coahoma CC - Coahoma Community College has started the E-Learning Faculty Summer Institute for 2016. The E-learning Core will have the kick-off training session via online on July 11. The core will continue with online training through the month of July. Our trainers gave us a discount on training. Therefore, I was also able to add technology training for faculty and staff who teach online or assist instructors with online courses. This eight day training was completed in June. B. Copiah Lincoln - Co-Lin's MILD grant was supported by CLCC iPad Initiative which help strengthen interaction and support, simplify student and instructor response time, offer a mobile approach to anytime anywhere technology, provide quality education in a supportive teaching learning environment, aid college success. iPads were first distributed to full time instructors ; afterward, to part-time instructors who teach online. Instructors had to complete online and face-to-face training. Action Items A. MSDLA (see above)





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