MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

two eLearning administrators to attend the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference, while completing a certification course on “Creating Presence in Online Courses.” The certification course will be an online course that begins July 25th. The first day of the conference will be a face-to-face lesson for the Creating Presence virtual course and will end following the conference. Both of these opportunities will help us develop training for MGCCC to help our instructors focus on creating presence for both faculty and students, developing courses in a way that reaches students with varying learning styles, etc. L. Northeast MS CC - The MILD grant was divided into two areas for Northeast. A portion of the grant was set aside to provide funding for eLearning staff to participate in professional development. This covered the cost of registration fees, online workshops, travel, online subscriptions, and literature. The section portion of the grant was used to provide an eLearning Institute for 10 online instructors from each division offering online courses. The participants completed a Quality Matters online workshop and participated in a two semester process to learn more about tools and instructions design, design a course improvement plan, and implement the course improvement plan. M. Northwest MS CC - The MILD grant money was used for improvement of our online classes. We subscribed to Quality Matters which gave us access to tools used for the Rubric as well as discounts on training sessions. We were able to save money by being in a consortium agreement with Northeast and Hinds. We have trained 6 Subject Coordinators and 3 staff members on both Applying the QM and Peer Reviewers. This training is invaluable to the eLearning Subject Coordinators because of the knowledge they gained in setting up their own courses as well as evaluating the current courses online. The purpose of using this system was not only increasing the level of quality for the online classes but to give the Instructors and students a successful endeavor in the online environment. N. Pearl River CC - To temporarily hire support specialists to develop a plan to use RTR and NetTutor in developmental math online classes starting with Intermediate Algebra. Other responsibilities include calling the students and providing a live orientation prior to online classes beginning. The goal is to increase retention and student success (increase grades) in Intermediate Algebra. This will take place over a two semester period. If we see that this initiative is successful, all developmental math online classes will be required to use these services to aid our online students. The other project is to provide opportunities for the eLearning staff and online instructors to go to conferences. Those that participate will present at our annual Online Instructor meeting, conduct a webinar for all PRCC faculty and possibly present at a MILD workshop. Both of these projects are still in progress. O. Southwest MS CC


Important Dates A. Next Meeting: July 21 st Location Holmes Ridgeland CNN Room (Library)


Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 11am.


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