MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

iPads were giving out to instructors at the F2F training after they signed the User Agreement. Training included the use of Zoom to utilize web conferencing via iPad. C. East Central CC - The funds from the 2016 fiscal year MILD Grant were utilized on expenditures for four attendees to the annual Pearson CITE conference, hosted in Amelia Island, FL. Two of the four attendees presented at the conference. The additional expenditures we utilized to fund phase two of eLearning Education’s expansion into a larger facility, as well as support the design and implementation of Canvas template. D. East Mississippi CC E. Hinds CC- The Hinds Community College eLearning Department utilized MILD grants this year in two ways. First, the purchase of an institutional license for Quality Matters began our training processes for our eLearning administration. In addition, peer reviewers (chosen faculty members) and facilitators were selected and provided the necessary training to facilitate the training of the QM rubric. Second, the MILD grant was utilized to contract with Canvas for private training on the setup and utilization structure for our Institutional, Departmental, Program, and Course-Level Outcomes project. Two web-based sessions and one face-to-face session with Canvas trainers in various areas provided guidance on the deployment of our outcomes assessment strategies that will be utilized within our learning management system. F. Holmes CC G. Itawamba CC - We used all FY16 MILD Grant funds to purchase Ipads, covers and protection plans for our Lead Online Instructors. Not all instructors were covered by these funds, but we were able to access other grant funds (Public Health grant) to ensure that all full-time eLearning faculty have an iPad. The goals were: make sure that all course designs and content could be accessed by mobile devices and to increase frequency of communication with students. Also, the lead instructors are now more connected to communicate with adjunct faculty. The iPads also increase an instructor’s ability to record videos or utilize web conferencing software when not in the office. H. Jones JC I. Meridian CC - Meridian Community College’s MILD Grant for FY16 was written for professional development. This grant was written not only for eLearning staff but online instructors as well. Over the last year, three conferences were attended (Mid-South Distance Learning, Creating Futures, and Educause in October 2016) by a total of 2 eLearning personnel and 7 online instructors. Instructors who accepted the invitation to attend one of the conference were required to host a professional development session of what they learned and how they are using the information or technology to implement it into the classroom. J. MS Delta CC - With the purchase of 25 Dell Thin Clients, a multifunction printer for student use, two document scanners and 3 desktop computers for the eLearning staff, MDCC’s eLearning Division has gained a state-of-the-art virtual computer system by having stations that are connected to a server as well as network printers. The addition of scanners will move the division toward electronic filing. This modern environment will have a positive impact on promoting Mississippi Delta Community College’s eLearning Lab as well as foster an innovative, high-quality learning experience for our eLearning students. K. MS Gulf Coast CC - MGCCC wanted to focus on invigorating our eLearning Professional Development with fresh e-Learning techniques. The FY16 MILD grant application was for two eLearning administrators to attend an eLearning Instructional Design Certification Course as well as an eLearning Technology/Pedagogy symposium or conference. Part one of the grant was the eLearning Instructional Design Certification Course was taught through Association for Talent Development (atd). It focused on developing asynchronous virtual training programs/courses. The course was designed to help build tutorials or courses across many industries. It was an excellent course, but you felt like you wanted more of the technology training in the end. What would be the great technologies to build and create these hands-on tutorials? Part two of the grant is going to pay for


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