MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of July Agenda

Phyllis Johnson made the motion to approve the July agenda, and Kim Harris seconded the motion.


New Business A. MCCB (Krista)

1. TurnItIn Update- New representative, with new feature (Feedback Studio). Opted out for fall but will move forward for spring to give colleges time to train faculty. Mobile friendly and syncs to gradebook. Krista will email group training toolbox link for review. TurnItIn will do webinars for us. Contract is coming up for review. TurnItIn wanting to go annually instead of multi year; would have to pay up front if it was multiple years. Krista trying to get a 3 year contract for MSVCC. 2. Contracts- Submitted contracts to ITS for Collaborate, Respondus, and the RFP process. ITS no longer allowed to charge us for the hours they work for us. They are behind in work. Respondus has come in for review, will go to Respondus, then to Krista, then back for Board approval. Still not heard back regarding RFP. Working to retain ZOOM thru December with one year contract. Being proactive in getting quotes to move forward. 3. MSDLA- 2 registrations per college. W9 and address needed from Becca for purchase order. Must be in place before invoices are sent in, and we will get registration instructions. Buffy – will state membership indeed pay for federal because that’s not common in other organizations? Brooke – It should be confirmed because that was an action item for her to check on. Need to check USDLA pricing to prepare for it in the future if registration not included. Possible consortium pricing separate from MSDLA in future. 4. MSVCC Funding Formula- Legislative Workshop, Nettles presented funding formula. Formula area of contention a few years ago. Gilbert has run formula in regards to part time students (funding loss if looked at full times) in hopes of distributing funding equitably. Formula is in error because it was created to incentivize sharing students, which isn’t the trend any longer. Possibility of slowly cutting out the part time funding is an option. Need to form a committee to fight for consortium as a whole (for the good of) and not college specific. Small group nominated by committee. Consult with college to recommend candidates to serve. Those who serve on task force may be in for a lot of time; nominations as to who to serve, business office, presidents, elcs, IER people. Names given may not be selected to serve. Google doc will be formed and put in MELA course. Krista will have Deborah Gilbert come present on funding formula to group in the fall. 5. MILD Grant FY2017- All applications received, but some were late. Approval process was supposed to be done by August 1 st for September 1 st disbursement. Because of delay, the disbursement date will be later in September. MGCCC, NE, NW, SW, and PRCC will be 5 approving colleges. B. MCCB (Brooke) 1. Academy Update – Fall schedule is out on PD site with all webinars and courses, including TEO. Acquired Canvas Catalogue, so instructors will be able to use it for future terms to sign up for training. During September a survey will be sent to eLearning deans and directors to survey each college regarding PD needs. Potential trainers/facilitators will need to apply to train in October. Schedule for spring training will be formed in November and facilitators assigned to webinars, and based on need of colleges, the schedule will be formed. MELT meetings will be about policy and procedures and less training/scheduling.


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