MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

Fall MELT meeting Nov. 30th. Spring first working day in May (1st or 2nd). Based on surveys and needs, people will have to develop content by meetings, if requested, so it can be ready to be deployed for next semester. Hoping to get tracks and certifications from needs assessment. Instructors will be tested to receive certifications for a chosen track. 2. SmarterProctoring Training - Tentative agenda provided. Refreshments, snacks, and Newk’s box lunches provided. 40 something people signed up to attend. Lunch will be a working lunch, can add people, anyone beyond the count needs to provide their own lunch. Training will start at 10am. Should be done by 2:30pm. Actual training so we will learn; not a complaint session. 3. IOY- Brooke will be contacting the Quality Committee to begin reviewing the nomination process and making changes. Action Items A. MILD Grant - Motion made to back up MILD Grant application/submission deadline to March 1 st , approvals by April 1 st , made by Jennifer Leimer, seconded by Christa Wilhite. MOTION PASSED. B. Meeting Agenda- pg 27 Policies and Procedures, order of business for agenda does not include unfinished business. Motion made by Buffy Matthews to add unfinished business back to agenda in Policies and Procedures, under article six, order of business. Haley Duck seconded. MOTION PASSED. Open Forum A. Future Meetings (Buffy Matthews) - Less and less participation in monthly meetings. Discussion to do more meetings in a virtual format. Or meet over two days. Options will be discussed in future meetings. B. 4 Week Classes (Phyllis Johnson)- eBooks for the courses offered to ensure student success? Was supposed to be that way, but not all the classes have the eBooks included. ICC has a few chapters included via scan for all classes to get students thru the first module(s). C. July Calendar (Alicia Shows)- 4 week terms start back to back and online fell before traditional this summer because of MSVCC Calendar. College had problem with students not realizing that the class had started. Summer ‘19 is when we could change calendar, and we will be back on track by then, anyways. Leap year caused problems this year. D. ZOOM Support (Jennifer Leimer)- Jennifer was having problems with ZOOM coming on, contacted support and found the technician not as helpful as he should have been. Buffy ended up resolving the problem. Krista wants support contact’s name, if possible, to alert the company of the issue prior to RFP as tech support efficiency will be a concern during adoption of a new product.




MILD Grant Presentation – Tish Stewart

A. Distance Learning Administration Conference – University of West Georgia: Jekyll Island, June 19-22, boutique type hotel, different conference than what Tish was used to attending. Smaller rooms and groups. No lunch or dinner provided most days. She did learn a lot, though. Pedagogy was great; recorded a lot of the sessions and benefited greatly. Fish Bowl sessions with circles of chairs and you have to be in inner circle to talk were a big thing. Perspectives of IHL/Administration. Changes to Discussion Boards, more than just a thread, draw from previous work, real life experience, summarize. Prizes/awards (virtual applause), if they go do


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