MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of September Agenda.

Christa Wilhite made the motion to accept agenda; Jennifer Leimer seconded the motion. Motion carried.


New Business a) Deborah Gilbert’s Funding Presentation (Presented September 20 th ; see page 9) b) Krista LeBrun a. Adjunct Pay

i. Krista passed out updated adjunct pay for FY17 per college. This document will also be in the MELA course.

b. RFP Update

i. We have been assigned a project manager for our Blackboard Collaborate RFP process. We extended Zoom contract. We will reevaluate later to see if we need to extend Zoom again, depending on ITS. The goal is something to be adopted by the Fall, but it depends on how long ITS draws out the process (typically 9 months).

c. Respondus Update

i. Krista sent out login information to update labs. The contract is still good.

d. CFTTC Update

i. 2017’s Creating Futures Through Technology Conference will collaborate with IT more than in the past. Instead of a pre-conference it will just be a full conference Wednesday through Friday -- no reason to differentiate between pre-conference and conference. ii. Each college will receive two free registrations still, but Krista asked for those colleges who receive complementary registration to help moderate with sessions. iii. There will be an Opening Keynote speaker the first day with breakfast. iv. The Call for Proposals is open. Krista encouraged the group to submit a proposal since we are experts in the field. v. CFTTC will be March 1-3, 2017. Keep in mind that Tuesday is “Fat Tuesday” (Mardi Gras) and traffic will be busy along the coast with parades and street closures. Registration will open Tuesday night. i. The Legislature has formed specialized committees to look at budgets more closely. They are asking for very detailed information, and are focusing a lot on our contracts and personnel. ii. They found an approx. $56 Million accounting error. The budget is still not balanced; it is $25 Million off balance (in deficient). iii. The governor can dip into the Rainy Day Fund. But, we do anticipate another budget cut in the Fall, and possibly another in January. Presidents will tell you what that means for your college, and your department. So far there has been a $4.4 Million hit to the Community College system. iv. There is a lot of information in the Clarion Ledger about the working groups and when they meet (public forum) if you are interested to learn more. f. MSVCC Demographics Update (FA15 Audited) i. Asked if this would be of value, and asked if we would like it shared as a whole. Each year, Raul provides audited numbers (head count, demographics, e. Working Groups Update (Legislative)


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