MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

etc.) The group did agree to have access to the data & can put it in the MELA course.

g. Call with LinkSystems about Outstanding Papers (10:30 am)

i. Richard Meek – VP and General Manager of NetTutor, along with Adrian Martin and Trey Burns 1. Have been focused on for 10 days on the latency. They expected triple growth on the high side, comparing Fall to Fall, but they are actually seeing 6x growth. They looked at historical data, and had an unexpected wave of papers Labor Day Weekend (earlier than usual). 2. As a resolution:

a. Huge expansion of tutoring staff. Hired 30% more tutors, but they are in the training stage. After the training is complete, they plan to hire 20% more. They stressed that they want students to receive papers quickly, but want quality tutors. b. Expanding their facilities – tutoring center on October 3. a. NetTutor will send us an accurate timeline by the end of the day (September 21), or tomorrow (22 nd ) at the latest. b. Krista stressed that we would like this resolved by this Friday (23 rd ), so that next week have a fresh start where students get the 24 to 48-hour timeframe on papers.

3. Estimated timeline:

ii. Keri Cole asked NetTutor if they are looking at our schedules, that we send in, to forecast the heavy weeks/days. NetTutor said they do use the schedules. Keri further solidified the impact, by explaining that instructors are having to change course due dates because NetTutor is required on some assignments, and it is affecting the instructional integrity of the course. NetTutor said they would create a template that asks for more specific information and would look at incorporating a repository into their data center. Trey will send out a new ROE to the group for updating.

c) Brooke Doggett

a. Academy Updates (Presented September 20 th ; see page 9)

d) MILD Grant Updates

a. Distance Teaching & Learning Conference

i. Attended: Jennifer Leimer, Buffy Matthews, and Krista LeBrun ii. Madison, Wisconsin in Early August iii. This trip will be known for it’s DELTA power outage nightmare! iv. Jennifer & Buffy attended the “Creating Presence in Online Courses Certificate” workshop taught by the University of Wisconsin. They had to complete modules prior to attending the conference. Earned 2.6 CEUs of credit. v. Krista attended the “Evaluating eLearning Projects Certificate” workshop taught by a group out of Alabama. The workshop focused on Return on Investment (ROI). There were a lot of books and materials provided. vi. Upcoming: Distance Teaching & Learning Conference (July 25-27 th , 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin).


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