MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

c. USM Memorandum of Agreement i. USM has had some changes (i.e. Sherri Ryals is no longer there, there is no longer a Learning Enhancement Center (LEC), are now the Division of Online Programs, etc.) ii. Changes to the MOA include: In the event a USM student has academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.), USM wants to be notified as well. Krista will let us know where to report grievances to for USM students. This information will be placed on the ELC Contact List, located in the MELA Canvas site. iii. USM did report that several MSVCC faculty do not have credentials available in the ET, so colleges need to check the ET and get credentials/transcripts cleaned up. d. AspireEDU i. Renewal. Nothing is changing; however, the cost will go up based on student enrollment – since July 1, 2014 when we signed an agreement, our enrollment has gone up. They charge $3.50 per student – for a total of $139,000 a year. Based on anticipated growth, we will lock in a rate. Krista will negotiate that rate; however, it will be around $179,000 based on the enrollment increase (not an AspireEDU increase in pricing). ii. There has been talk about using AspireEDU in traditional courses, but some Presidents were previously opposed. Krista asked if we were interested in revisiting using AspireEDU in traditional courses. We pay $3.50 per student, but the price would go down if traditional courses use it. Krista can get a price quote, after she gets audited numbers from Raul. This way, they can figure approximate count for traditional and online combined. 1. We will discuss this more in our November meeting, after each college discusses this possibility with their CAO. e. Academy Update (Brooke Doggett) i. Email blasts are sent out on Fridays. NWMCC, COLIN, CCC, and PRCC have opted into the email blasts. The instructor email is pulled from the Enrollment Tool. If you do not want all of the instructors to be contacted, please send Brooke a spreadsheet of who you would like to receive the emails. ii. MELT meetings – no longer will build the Academy schedule at the MELT Meetings; it will now be a training workshop. This next workshop will be about applying the Quality Matters Rubric to courses. Up to 25 people can attend. Trainers will sign up to attend first, and then others can join. Date TBA (early December). iii. The next time we meet, Brooke will present on a conference she is attending in Atlanta. Campus Visit Plan (Chris Ryals) i. Chris wants to come to each college and learn the workflow process for each college. If he knows our workflow process, he can respond to Help Desk tickets more efficiently. Chris would like to ask questions, see our space, etc. He will give us a list of questions before we meet. The visit will remain confidential. He will not provide information to any other college or MCCB. ii. The group was excited about this opportunity and thought it may even help colleges learn how to work more efficiently by Chris looking as an outsider into our processes. f.


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