MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

g. Further Ideas on the Community? (Chris Ryals)

i. Chris talked with Laura Sellers from Canvas, and she asked if there was anything that we would like to see developed within the Canvas Community. 1. MCC said they would like to see the feature requests that we create within the community. 2. MGCCC said they would like to see Canvas updates that affect faculty only. 3. PRCC said they would like to see a repository of how-to files (on SmarterProctoring, NetTutor, etc.) that instructors could quickly access within the Community.


Unfinished Business a. Fall 2018 – Spring 2019 MSVCC Calendars (Jennifer Leimer)

i. Refer back to September 2016 minutes regarding the MSVCC Calendar for 2018 and beyond. 1. In follow-up, five schools preferred to leave the calendar as is, and the other colleges had not had a conversation with their CAO or were waiting to hear back. a. We will add this to our November agenda in order to make a decision.


Action Items – none.


Open Forum

a. Examsoft (Christa Wilhite) i. Examsoft is a software that holds question banks and operates as a lockdown browser. It is cloud based, and has a Canvas integration. It is a potential replacement for Respondus. 1. Keri said the integration is installed and up and going for their Nursing Department.

2. Buffy asked the Technology Committee to look at it as an option, and ask schools using it for feedback. We need to see if it works across colleges – because right now, the Lockdown Browser has to be turned off for students who are taking your quiz through another college. 3. Keri mentioned that Examsoft builds the content into the Examsoft system, but the grades do sync into the Canvas gradebook – so it is somewhat a “backwards integration”.

b. Incident with proctored exams/password security (Denise Gillespie) i. Denise reported that Lavella Jones, an Academic Eligibility Advisor from Alabama Prep was given proctored exam passwords by someone unknown. She asked for any ideas on how this proctor was given the passwords. 1. Lavella Jones had previously been rejected for an Off-Campus Proctor Request because of a red-flag in Financial Aid (same addresses for multiple students). Thirty-eight, Alabama Prep students were enrolled in the same courses, and Ms. Jones had tried to get the passwords multiple ways (through SmarterProctoring, by getting students to email their instructors, through her daughters, etc.) Somehow she ended up getting the passwords, and Denise doesn’t know how. If you have any ideas, please let her know. 2. Canvas pulled the IP addresses of the students who took the exams, and all of the addresses tied back to the dormitory address in Birmingham. ICC gave the


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