MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


New Business MCCB Items - Krista LeBrun:

1. Audit Revision Updates a) Krista and the Attendance Committee met with Ive on February 23. The goal was to discuss the possible implementation of an attendance feature in the ET, and give examples of other colleges’ internal attendance features. b) Ive feels confident that he will be able to develop an attendance piece for the ET, complete with extractions and other wish-list items that were requested by the committee. Ive is going present a ‘mock-up’ of a potential attendance feature, and present it to the MELA group at the March or April meeting. Hopefully this will be available for testing purposes in the Fall 2017 semester, with a Spring 2018 implementation. More information to come. c) Colleges can start discussing the possibility of attendance in the ET with their IT departments; however, there isn’t any concrete information to share with them at this time. It is premature to discuss how extractions would import into the SIS, and other details. However, once those details are concrete, Chris Ryals can meet with IT folks. 2. SmarterServices Update a) Krista met with Andrew, Devon, and Dr. Atkins from SmarterServices. They are aware that inactive students in SmarterProctoring is an issue, and are working to correct it. Version 2.0 will be available sometime this summer. i. Kimberly Ellis spoke with Leslie Grill, and was told that the release date would be June 1. Leslie explained that the roster sync and removal of inactive students should be fixed with the new release. b) A virtual meeting is scheduled for March 22 to go over the SmarterMeasure Readiness indicator. An e-mail invitation was sent to the group, and Krista encouraged each college to attend. 3. Canvas User Group Update a) There were six Canvas representatives at CFTTC, and they took time to meet individually with each college. Those who met with Laura Sellers and her team seemed to have a good meeting, with valuable information. Canvas also presented new features and tips through a ‘2017 Canvas Product Roadmap’ session at CFTTC. Brooke Doggett will forward the PowerPoint from the session to the group for anyone who missed it. b) Canvas recommended a ‘Canvas User Group’ where Canvas personnel would come and present a day-long Canvas conference. Our MELA group would host the conference, decide the agenda and location, and who to invite. Canvas would handle the marketing and registration. c) Krista mentioned that we may have to charge $25 to cover the cost of food. She also mentioned contacting IHL to see about getting more K-12 usage of Canvas. USM is moving to Canvas in four weeks, so most of the state uses Canvas, and would probably enjoy a Canvas User Group. The MELA group thought it was a great idea. d) Krista will get with Keri about booking the Hinds MUSE Center. Brooke and Krista will coordinate the planning of this event, and if you are interested in serving on the Canvas User Group Committee, please email Krista.


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