MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

d. MOA for FY2018 i.

Krista sent out the MOA for FY2018 to all institutions at the end of May. Institutions should have them back to the Agency by the end of July. Krista will email out survey responses after they are received.

e. July Travel i.

Krista will be traveling for a couple of weeks in July to deliver her mother’s burial ashes to a mountain range in Montana. She may not have access to email some during her travel. At the end of July, Krista will be attending a conference. So, July’s communication with the group will be very limited. Chris and Brooke will still be available if needed.

MSVCC Academy – Brooke Doggett

1. Turnitin Training: a. The new Turnitin representatives ( especially Ryan Miller ) have been very responsive. They are offering a few virtual trainings to our consortium: i. For Account Admins – July 12 th from 12:30 to 2 pm (Virtual) ii. For Instructors – September 5 th from 12:30 to 2 pm (Virtual) and September 12 th from 2 – 3:30 pm (Virtual) iii. Sessions will be recorded for instructors who cannot attend. 2. Quality Matters – July 1 a. Several MELA members have completed the most recent QM Peer Review Course(s). Members expressed that the QM courses are very intense, but provided a lot of helpful information. b. Brooke is expecting the QM contract to be in place by July 1. If you are currently taking the QM course, ignore any invoices that you may receive. 1. ET Attendance Portal Updates a. Chris and Ive are working hard to make sure the attendance portal is right for the consortium. Currently, they are discussing how the ET SIS Export will work. Colleges should ask their IT departments what specific fields they would like to see exported from the ET attendance piece. b. Kim Steinman asked: “Is there is a way to see attendance for our students that are taking classes at other colleges?” i. Chris replied that he and Ive are working on this feature. c. MSVCC ( website is currently under revision. It is anticipated to be live by Fall 2017. Chris Ryals


Unfinished Business


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