MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017





Northeast MS CC

Kim Harris

President Elect Pearl River CC

Kimberly Ellis

Haley Duck


Meridian Community College

(CW filled in for this meeting)


Call to order - 9:00am

II. Approval of September Minutes – Jennifer James made the motion to approve, Jennifer Leimer seconded. Motion Passed.

III. Approval of October Agenda – Jennifer James made the motion to approve, Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed.


New Business A. Krista LeBrun

1)Update on RFP – ITS has received clarification from second vendor, but will need an additional clarification for the difference between conferencing and audio/web/video conferencing (number of participants seems to be the difference). This impacts billing. However, second vendor has gotten price down to $238k a year in comparison to the $500k paid to Blackboard for Collaborate and Messaging. Once we receive the clarification, ITS will offer a contract. ZOOM has been in contact with ITS, but it is a silent period, so no communication with the company. ITS feels confident ZOOM will contest disqualification. If they contest, it will put us at a standstill with the contract. Resolution may take two to three months before we can move forward with new contract. 2)Loss of Service @MCCB – Replacing hardware that caused the outage last week. Service will be interrupted at 10pm tonight for possible 2 hours. Presidents and local IT teams have been notified.

B. Shalon Farris

1) ET Feature Request Updates – Reported all requests to Ive. A few have been completed and the rest should be completed in 2 to 3 weeks. She will reach out to individuals for needed clarification, and she will be adding a feature request option for attendance.


Unfinished Business


Action Items A. Canvas Catalog – April 2017, Krista presented price of Canvas Catalog if purchased as a consortium. May, we decided to vote to see about adding to Canvas contract after Hinds piloted Catalog. Keri


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