MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Table of Contents
I. 2018 MELA Minutes ............................................................................................................. 3
2018 – January .................................................................................................................................3 2018 – February ...............................................................................................................................8 2018 – March .................................................................................................................................13 2018 – April ....................................................................................................................................17 2018 – May.....................................................................................................................................21 2018 – June ....................................................................................................................................27 2018 – July......................................................................................................................................33 2018 – August.................................................................................................................................38 2018 – September ..........................................................................................................................50 2018 – October...............................................................................................................................56 2018 – November...........................................................................................................................61
2018 MELA Minutes
2018 – January
MS eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, January 31, 2018 Hinds CC CTL, Raymond, MS, 10:00am
Coahoma Community College Copiah Lincoln Community College East Central Community College East Mississippi Community College
Joseph McKee Amanda Hood Christa Wilhite
Hinds Community College Holmes Community College
Keri Cole, Jennifer James
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson
Itawamba Community College
Brandi McCraw, Tequila Sunrise, Denise Gillespie*
Jones Junior College
Ashley Beard Marie Roberts Brenda Bridgers
Meridian Community College
Mississippi Delta Community College Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College Northwest Mississippi Community College
Jennifer Leimer, Buffy Matthews
Kim Harris
Phyllis Johnson, Kim Steinman, Stacey Smith*
Pearl River Community College
Michele Mitchell, Kim Ellis
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows*
MS Community College Board
The University of Southern Mississippi
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect
Pear River CC
Kim Ellis
Christa Wilhite/Kim Ellis
East Central CC/Pearl River CC
Call to Order. 10:00am
Approval of December Minutes.
Michele Mitchell made the motion to approve the December minutes, Tequila Sunrise seconded. Motion passed.
Approval of January Agenda
Nancy Parkerson made the motion to approve the January agenda, Marie Roberts seconded. Motion passed.
New Business – Enrollment Tool Usage Discussion A. SIS Information Banner – (7 Colleges) Holmes, Itawamba, Meridian, MS Delta, MS Gulf Coast, Northeast, Pearl River
Colleague – ( 2 Colleges) – East MS, Hinds, Jenzabar (2 Colleges) –Coahoma, East Central, Other (3 Colleges) – Copiah, Northwest. Southwest PeopleSoft (1 College) - Jones B. Placement of Courses in ET
ECCC - Course file easy to load into the ET – want to watch enrollment numbers to see if sharing changes. Want to let things run as they have, as see what is most in demand, evaluate instructors to see which ones should be in the MSVCC CoLin - eLC is new. Data is easy to collect from the ET. SIS is harder to retrieve data from. PRCC – can’t make changes to processes at this time. IT is Ellucian. Meridian – plan to put only courses that have been pulled in the past. Any class with one section will go into the ET to help boost enrollment numbers. Small staff to free up paperwork. ICC – Unique classes will continue to go into the ET. Will have to figure out how to send files with Banner, etc. NEMCC – wants to keep everything in the ET so she can maintain MSVCC policies and not have instructors/students question things. C. Calendar Use Coahoma will use the college calendar for online courses not in the ET. -NW asked Coahoma asked if they pull in courses how will they know which calendar to follow. Joseph said students will know all native courses will know to follow one calendar, and any pulled in courses will have a different calendar. They have many dual enrollment students also, so they want them following the college calendar. MGCCC – they considered instructors teaching multiple online courses and didn’t want them to have multiple calendars to manage. Hinds didn’t want multiple calendars to confuse students. They wanted all online classes to have the same calendar .
D. Proctoring
Courses that are only in your SIS are not considered MSVCC courses. How will this affect proctoring services? MGCCC - As long as your facility is open, you are following the P&P if your proctor center is open and available. 90 cents per student funding formula change affects technology use. May require State Board to redo the Dropout Detective and Smarter Proctoring contracts if more people use it. Which are MSVCC regulated? ICC – may have to require appointments because they are losing funding. Anytime there is a cut, if affects personnel/staffing for proctoring. NW – faculty are told on the front end that they have to proctor their course exams at least twice per semester. This helps with having a high demand of proctor services available. NE, EC, and Holmes will not put local students in and adjust seat counts as needed. MGCCC asks how to know if the class is full to pull it in. Holmes recommends that we all look at different ways to circumvent this. MCC – not putting anything in the ET that will not make. For example, if a class only has 3 students enrolled they will allow it to make (meeting with all online instructors to explain policy and procedures. Instructors will not know until the class makes). Course Requests for MSVCC – ECCC slammed with requests to pull in courses during add/drop period. All textbook requests have to be done 2 weeks ahead, so she does the same for online requests for MSVCC courses to have a cut off date for pulling in. Hinds – everything will be in SIS. No instructors in ET, no attendance or maintenance, etc. Would free up ½ of someone’s job, basically. Only students in the ET will be in pulled in courses. Run courses 5+ enrollment. Meridian – asked about MSVCC virtual fees. Many schools have MSVCC fees. Instead, they will specify an “online” fee or “virtual” fee. Action Item: Survey for fees charged. Hinds – Considering 3 options: #1) 50/50 plan (15 seats in 1 system, 15 seats in another); #2) 1 full section in the ET (outside students) and one full section in SIS (inside students); #3) Generic course (syllabus, faculty credentials will be a challenge – and find sections and fill sections afterwards – without turning anyone down). Will students have to duplicate registration efforts? SIS and ET? - Copiah sees duplicate efforts
E. Self-Registration (PRCC, Jones, CoLin, EMCC) Will you still use Self-Registration?
F. Placement of Students in the ET
G. SIS Files for Enrollments H. Outside Students in SIS
Built “Non-degree virtual community college student” (not included in audit, AR balance tables, anything!) and put in bare-minimum information about each student. Student gets a Hinds ID and alternate ID number as well (the ID number from their college). Allows for local attendance, local grades, etc. I. Attendance Requirements Colleges are split on how they will complete attendance.
Duplication of Instructor Duties
8 colleges will have to duplicate; 2 colleges will not; 5 colleges maybe.
-Only for instructors teaching native online AND an MSVCC online course. -If grades can be pushed to the ET from the SIS, there will be no duplication. Or vice versa. Hinds – online instructor hiring freeze. Why hire when you can pull in and make more. Holmes did the math on profit: $309 (FTE $2,479.33 per student (full time 15 hours) \\ 30 = $82.64. For every hour x 3 (hours) - $247.93 (1). Split 75 and 25. You get tuition regardless. Example: But Hinds will get $309 for developing the course, and Holmes will get $185 + tuition for the student (clerical work, putting him in the class, etc.) If you put a student in a pulled in class – full-time or part-time. You will make more money by putting students into other college’s classes.
K. ET Report Removal/Rewrites
All are needed because some schools are not changing any procedures, but additional reports/surveys may be needed. L. Reporting of Policy Changes (Submit Recommended Changes to Form in MELA Course by
February 9 th ) Suggestions:
1. Quality letters should be sent out electronically. Letter should be broad where it is one letter sent to all schools. Put access in Canvas, so anyone could retrieve it for SACSCOC. Put wording in about credentialing requirements per college. 2. Would be beneficial to push the grades from the SIS the grades for shared students into the ET. a. Push students to ET?
3. Dropout detective – 90 cents per student? Contract Change not P&P Change. 4. Define an online classes (for calendar & proctoring purposes especially). 5. Policy of cancelling courses (earlier) . 6. More frequent snapshot for running files in ET. 7, 10, 1, 4. Instead hourly. 7. Participation of terms/when proctoring is available requirements, etc.
M. Reporting of ET Needs (Update Google Doc By February 9 th )
For the changes to the ET, please continue to use the ET Feature Request form in the Enrollment Tool Module. Request Types: -ET Request Due to Changes to P & P (2018)
-Attendance Tool Feature Request
Going forward, please use this form for all ET Feature requests, including requests to the Attendance Tool. Once a request has been submitted, you can view the list of requests by clicking on the “Current ET Feature Requests” document in the Enrollment Tool module.
Action Items A. ReadSpeaker – Jennifer Leimer made the motion to WAIT on entering in to a pilot agreement with ReadSpeaker. Kim Ellis seconded the motion. Motion Passed. B. 2019-2020 Calendar – Admin Committee made the motion to approve the 19-20 MSVCC calendar. Jennifer Leimer seconded the motion. Motion Passed. JCJC, CoLin, MCC, and ICC abstained in the vote. Open Forum A. Instructional Technology Committee Research – Does the technology committee need to review products in lieu of funding changes? Group recommends researching potential vendors, but demonstrations will not be scheduled at this time. B. March Meeting – March meeting will be moved to accommodate spring break schedules. Kim Harris will send a survey to determine the best date. C. Strategic Planning Meeting April 2018 – Kim Harris will send a survey to determine best dates to meet in person for Strategic Planning and MELA Meeting. D. Save the Date – MELA Retreat 2018 September 12-14 th in Hattiesburg
Important Dates
A. Next Meeting: February 14 th – Virtual 9am
Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.
2018 – February eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, February 14, 2018 Virtual Meeting, 9:00am
Coahoma Community College
Joseph McKee
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite
East Mississippi Community College
Hinds Community College
Jennifer James
Holmes Community College
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Denise Gillespie, Brandi McCraw
Ashley Beard
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Holley Harris, Marie Roberts
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Stacey Smith, Kim Steinman
Pearl River Community College
Kimberley Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris, Lynne Oliver, Raul Fletes, Shawn Mackey
MS Community College Board
The University of Southern Mississippi
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
College/Association Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
Kimberly Ellis Christa Wilhite
President Elect
Pearl River CC East Central CC
Call to order 9:00am
Approval of January Minutes
Jennifer James made the motion/Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion Passed.
Approval of February Agenda
Kimberly Ellis made the motion/Jennifer James seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Krista LeBrun:
1. NWN Update – Contract is officially signed. Kick-off call with MCCB is tomorrow (2/15/18). Implementation manager is Kate Newell(?). WebEx/Spark should be fully implemented and admins trained within 90 days, per provided timeline. NWN will be at CFTTC, and the group is highly encouraged to attend their afternoon session on Wednesday. 2. Canvas Renewal Update – Business case turned in during October, manager assigned by ITS recently. Krista LeBrun will go before the ITS board tomorrow to speak about the contract. ITS should approve the renewal of the contract since board members are familiar with Canvas. Contract will be finalized thereafter, and CP1 completed, and then contract goes before MCCB for approval. Contract should be approved and signed in time for June renewal. (Question about increase – previous contract inflated, FTE changed, addition of catalogue and training)
3. Questions from MELA January Meeting (Did we ever revisit this formally, or did it just fall in under ET/Attendance/Audit Information?)
4. SARA Update – Menia Dykes received applications from the following collegse as of 3pm Monday: CoLin, Hinds, Holmes, Jones, Meridian, Delta, Gulf Coast, Pearl River, and Southwest. Applications due to her office by 2.28, if your college was not listed above. 5. Calendar update from AOA re: Spring 2020 – CAO’s requested reviewal of proposed date change to Spring 2020 by backing calendar up by a week to allow the calendar to align more closely with previous years’ calendar. Aware that online and
traditional will start at the same time, and signed off on the overlap already. MELA will need to vote on calendar updates at March meeting.
6. Library Association Meeting – Krista LeBrun and Buffy Matthews attended. The MELO contract for the upcoming year is normally provided at this meeting. Price point was around 400k for the contract, and they do not want to lose services. Contracts with vendors are based annually, and it was requested by the MSVCC that they renegotiate to a different rate that was not as easily inflated. Should be able to review proposed contract by March meeting, vote, and have contract in place by July 1 st . Many of the services were surprisingly digital; Krista and Buffy spoke with vendors about facilitating training for use of the resources. Library Association is requesting changes with the Library Services survey; requested changes to be provided for a future meeting for approval.
B. Shalon Farris:
1. Canvas Global Announcements Information – Live in production February 17, 2018. Test it at some point and ensure it is working. Notify Shalon if there is a problem.
2. MELA Meeting Minutes in FlippingBook – Archived meeting minutes are in searchable flipping book in MELA course, 2003 to present.
3. MILD Grant Information – Changes made to include a MILD Module in MELA course, single PDF application over Google Form, some questions removed to shorten the form, Adminstrative Aproval page will autoupdate based on other pages, and the signature sheet, etc, will be easily printed. 4. SmarterProctoring Updates – Feedback provided from colleges who tested the product: Insufficient installation instructions/XML coding, Exam sync and test import not functioning, sync between Admin and Course site not working, etc. SmarterProctoring is aware and will work thru Google doc with Shalon. Training- Admin Webinars every other week, Instructor Webinars weekly. Voucher information to join will be sent upon registration. 5. Enrollment Tool Updates (Please submit all MSVCC ET Feature Requests Form for all requests relating to the ET. Review old requests to resubmit if something still needs to be addressed.) On Hold: Course Catalogue listing, page jumps to top when course made Active. MCCB Notes - May slow down system, and feature may not be needed with the possible reduction of courses. Will revisit in the fall .
In Progress: Reports – Grades for Non Holmes courses, separate report by course on individual pages, one pdf export.
Needs Clarification: Copy of status changes that impact students which includes drops/withdrawals. Hinds states that this can be disregarded since drop date and LDA has been added to report. Would like to request status reason to be added to that report. Request for Hinds to complete ET request form made by Shalon .
Vote Requested:
Ability to sort/filter courses by course number. MCCB notes – Increase load on server and slow system. May be a moot point with changes in the ET tool. Will address in fall for vote. Student profile. Print student profile using the print icon. Works in Chrome, but does not appear compatible with IE/Firefox. Error message is given. ( Will just address it not working in all browsers) List for Archived Students does not work. Need to look up old students. MCCB Notes – Designed by group. What data is needed, how should it look, how to filter, access granted? Support Committee will investigate and update with needed information. Textbook file to download current texts in correct form to be uploaded for the next semester. Leave Term column empty. MCCB Notes – Ive feels it can be done easily and will just require modifications of the file. Tish Stewart made motion to accept the change, Jennifer James seconded, no discussion, motion passed . Ability to indicate whether a course will make or not – Check box that the course will make OR box to enter the number of local students so a rough estimate of total students appears. Shalon will get a mock up what a check box will look like, date and time stamp included, for group to review and approve. Attendance Tool Changes – Ability to hide local students in the attendance tool, identify shared students who have attended class from being marked No Show (notification and flag), send email notifications for number of absences…notifications sent to student. Shalon will mock up all three options to facilitate discussion/approval at next meeting.
MCCB Suggestions for ET:
C. Attendance and Audit Information – SU18 attendance must be taken via the ET for shared students. Process for reporting local attendance will remain the same. Why? “To enforce the State’s law regarding attendance in a consistent and equitable manner.” Attendance must be entered by Provider thru at least the 50% mark, ET will provide Host college with course, grade, and attendance data needed for reimbursement to occur (eARS links to ET and creates a student schedule file download, the download is appended to the college’s file for audit). Difference for the future is that attendance for crossed students must be taken in the ET. Audit Roster Options for MELA to vote on in March: Either attendance through 50% and complete audit within ET with digital signature OR take attendance only thru 50% mark and digital signature each week. **Effective SU18 – Attendance must be completed in ET for crossed students. In addition, the colleges do not need to include local students and/or courses not intended for sharing in the ET.**
D. Lynne Oliver – Call for Moderators for CFTTC (2 per registration provided). Email sent later today to sign up.
E. Kim Harris
1. Policies and Procedures - Committee Tasks
Revised P&P document will be emailed out and split between committees for review of recommended changes. Admin committee has completed full review. Instructional Technology will take pages 3-16, Quality 17-32, Support 33-45. March 2 nd will be due date for review/changes completion (via changes form in MELA course). Vote will occur in March. 2. Upcoming Meetings – March meeting moved to the 21 st due to Spring Break. April meeting is pending due to split of availability of colleges and the need for a location.
Action Items – See ET Feature Request Notes (IV, B, 5)
Open Forum
Future Meetings - Wednesday, March 21 9:00 AM - Virtual
Adjournment 10:23am
2018 – March eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Virtual Meeting, 9:00am
Coahoma Community College
Joseph McKee
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite, Joan Grimes
East Mississippi Community College
Chris Square
Hinds Community College
Jennifer James, Keri Cole
Holmes Community College
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Denise Gillespie, Brandi McCraw, Tequila Sunrise
Ashley Beard
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Holley Harris, Marie Roberts
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Stacey Smith, Kim Steinman
Pearl River Community College
Kimberley Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris, Lynne Oliver
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00am
Approval of February Minutes
Chris Square made the motion/Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion Passed.
Approval of March Agenda
Kimberly Ellis made the motion/Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Krista LeBrun: 1. MSVCC P&P – A draft is ready for review in the MELA course under Modules. A new Google doc has been included in the module for suggested changes to the revised P&P. Please review the document and make suggested changes prior to the April meeting so the group can vote on the revised P&P. 2. MOA for University Partnerships - MOA has been added to the MELA course for reference/review. Buffy Matthews questioned about an addition regarding participating universities must follow our policy and procedures and calendar since we’ve had issues with previous partnered universities setting their own withdrawal dates, etc. Kim Ellis questioned statement about generating revenue (Yes, this MOA is trying to facilitate relationships and encourage universities to pull in our courses for their students, thereby increasing revenue.). B. Shalon Farris: 1. SmarterProctoring Updates - Shalon has been testing. Exam import is available, and we are encouraged to keep testing on our end. Reach out to Sean with SmarterProctoring or Shalon if we have questions or issues. Developer keys has been added, and this is included in the new instructions, which will be sent to the group. Shalon has looked at the student side of the system once and it did work, and she will continue to look at it. 2. NWN Updates – We are on track to implement this summer. NWN will be reaching out to the colleges individually to get information on SSO. Will need to know
identity provider for this, and we can reach out to our IT department to find that information, if we don’t know it. 3. ET/Attendance Tool Updates - Shalon is working closely with Ive to have the new items ready, and they are hoping to demo it at the April meeting. Training handouts and videos will also be created for us in order to help us transition faculty.
C. Lynne Oliver: 1.
Summer and Fall schedule for the Academy is in the works. It will be released to the group once it’s finalized.
D. Kim Harris 1. Policy and Procedures Document - Thanks from Kim for all the committee reviews, and thanks to MCCB for preparing it based on our suggestions. Please be sure to review the updated PP for April meeting. 2. Strategic Planning – The committees will meet on April 11 th while at Hinds. Please meet with Committee virtually prior to the 11 th to ensure efficient use of time since we only have a day at the April meeting. 1. FY 2019 MELO Grant Request - Buffy Matthews made motion to approve the grant, Michele Mitchell made the second, motion passed . Meridian CC abstained due to lack of knowledge about usage history. Discussion: Tish Stewart asked if they gave us any usage reports, as requested. Reports were given, but were slim in usage stats. Krista LeBrun will forward the reports to the group. Buffy and Krista had a discussion with them that they need advertise and train on their products in order to increase usage. Usage reports will be reviewed next year, and funding may be cut based on product usage since budgets are in a crunch across the system. A recommendation that they negotiate rate increases from this point forward with their contracts, as well. 1. Wikispace (Tish Stewart) - Wikispace is going away, so we will need to find another way to do our agendas. Tish shared several options that we can try. 2. 18-19 Funding Discussion (Tish Stewart) – ET is a year behind in data, so Holmes is requesting that funding not be changed up until NEXT fiscal year when the ET data is up to date based on new procedures. Suggestion was made that we mention this to our local finance committees so the recommendation can be made to the local presidents. FY19 is the hold harmless year for information. 3. Courses in ET (Christa Wilhite) – When will the colleges have all information in the ET so we can begin evaluating courses to pull in? All courses will be available prior to Easter Break. Action Items Open Forum
4. 2019 Calendar (Kim Ellis) - How will schools plan to have proctoring centers open during spring break 2019 due to JAN08 testing? ICC will have one center open, and assignment due dates will be altered to spread out the testing window. Hinds doesn’t close for spring break, and CoLin will be partially open during that time. PRCC will be closed during spring break, and they are looking for options for accommodating their students, and wished to know how other schools would handle their students during that time. ECCC will be open during JAN08 finals and JAN15 midterms to help, if needed.
Future Meetings –
Wednesday, April 11 th , Hinds CC Raymond Campus
Wednesday, May 9 th , Virtual
Adjournment 9:45am
2018 – April eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, April 11, 2018 Hinds CC, 12:00pm
Coahoma Community College
Joseph McKee
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite, Joan Grimes
East Mississippi Community College
Hinds Community College
Jennifer James, Keri Cole
Holmes Community College
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson
Itawamba Community College
Denise Gillespie, Tequila Sunrise
Ashley Beard
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Holley Harris, Marie Roberts
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska*
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Stacey Smith, Kim Steinman
Pearl River Community College
Kimberley Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows*
MS Community College Board
Brooke Doggett, Shalon Farris, Lynne Oliver
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 12:00pm
Approval of March Minutes
Jennifer James made the motion/Phyllis Johnson seconded. Motion Passed.
III. Approval of April Agenda – Addition of Quality Matters update by Brooke Doggett.
Keri Cole made the motion/Jennifer Leimer seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Shalon Farris: 1. MILD Grant – Grant request is due April 20 th . All information is included in the MELA Course in the MILD Module. 2. NWN Update – Colleges will be receiving updated instructions this week. The MCCB team will be meeting with NWN to establish an implementation timeline. Training will commence afterwards. MCCB will also address miscommunication with the parties involved, as well as the incorrect instructions sent out to the Colleges. 3. SmarterProctoring 2.0 Updates – Shalon has questions/needs for group to bring up during SP webconference (see slideshow). 4. Attendance Tool Updates – Shalon previewed new features/reports for the group to vote on. These features are currently available to be pushed in to production (see action items for voting.). 5. ET Feature Requests – Shalon reviewed some feature requests for the group to vote on. See action items for voting results. 6. ET Updates – In Progress: Grades for Non-Local Courses to separate report by school and course on individual pages, Textbook Utilities (ability to download properly formatted file to reupload for consecutive terms).
B. Brooke Doggett: 1.
Summer Academy schedule has been uploaded to the Catalog. UMC wishes to use Academy for all of their faculty. If TEO fills, we will need to let Brooke
know so she can open additional sections to ensure MSVCC faculty receive required instruction. 2. Quality Matters – A contract should be signed in the near future. Colleges can use QM as much or as little as they prefer once it is available to all. MCCB staff will reach out to schedule appointments for implementation help, as well as to identify who the local QM Coordinator will be for the college. Additional training offered as needed, and Academy offerings will be aligned with QM Standards to identify where gaps are located and to create learning paths for instructors.
C. Lynne Oliver: 1. College Needs Assessment Survey – End of Year Surveys will be sent approximately May 7 th to review Academy offerings.
D. Kimberly Harris – 1. Future Agenda Items – MELA course will be used to create new agenda via Pages. 2. May Officer Elections – Send nominations to Tish Stewart by May 2 nd for President Elect and Secretary.
Action Items
1. Attendance Tool Updates:
a. Tool placed in separate tab. b. Attendance Review for Provider Report (to see if instructors have taken attendance) c. Request for Drop – Provider/Host Reports (to review drop requests made by instructors/CELO’s depending on ET usage at local institution) d. Working with Students – To review which instructors are working with a student that is at or over allotted absences. e. Attendance Manager – Instructors can filter between crossed only and all students.
Motion made to accept the presented attendance tool updates beginning Summer 2018 made by Jennifer Leimer. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed.
Motion to use “Non-Local” in regards to provided students made by Christa Wilhite. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed. Keri Cole requested that the minutes show that the colleges are approving the suggested updates and technology, but the colleges are not agreeing to use the features until written guidelines/manual are provided. 2. ET Feature Requests a. Reports (Non-Local Students taking XYZ Courses) – Filter report by term; Add reason and status date columns. Jennifer James made the motion. Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed.
b. New Feature – Ability to export term dates (no shows, etc.) as a calendar script for direct imports to calendars (Outlook, Google, etc.). MCCB needs to know what file formats are needed. CSV is easiest. Marie Roberts made the motion. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion Passed. c. New Feature – Ability to filter instructors based on term. MCCB notes – Ive will need to create a query by looking at courses and terms to which the instructors are assigned. Marie Roberts made the motion. Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed. d. Attendance – This vote will be tabled until next month after we receive updates regarding Attendance/Audit from CIRE group and MCCB. 3. MELA Policy and Procedures Manual – Updated P&P and digital voting form will be sent to group with suggestions/concerns made by Admin Committee for discussion, if needed. Please review and vote by Tuesday, April 17 th . 4. SmarterProctoring 2.0 Migration – Jennifer James made the motion to postpone migrating to SP 2.0 in May. MELA will move to the new system when requested functionalities are provided. The new system is currently a step back from the old system, and functionality was traded for aesthetics. The new system does not have exam sync, and requested features are nonexistent. Kimberly Ellis seconded the motion. Motion Passed.
Open Forum
1. SmarterProctoring 2.0 WebConference – See Shalon’s notes for concerns/questions. See Action Items for vote concerning the May migration.
Future Meetings –
Wednesday, May 9 th 9am, Virtual
Wednesday, June 13 th 9am, Virtual
Adjournment 2:12pm
2018 – May eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, May 9, 2018 Virtual Meeting, 9 am
Coahoma Community College
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite
East Mississippi Community College
Chris Square
Hinds Community College
Keri Cole
Holmes Community College
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson
Itawamba Community College
Denise Gillespie, Tequila Sunrise, Brandi McCraw
Ashley Beard
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Holley Harris, Marie Roberts
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska*
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Stacey Smith
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
Krista LeBrun, Brooke Doggett, Shalon Farris, Lynne Oliver
MS Community College Board
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00 am
Approval of April Minutes
Buffy Matthews made the motion/ Chris Square seconded. Motion Passed.
III. Approval of May Agenda – with addition of the ET Attendance Feature Discussion/Update
Michele Mitchell made the motion/ Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion Passed
Unfinished Business
a. Questions on the P&P
i. Page 9, #8 – “colleges must agree to test MSVCC students….”
1. Krista stated that the wording came from criteria for reimbursement. There was concern that the statement wasn’t strong enough to ensure colleges were testing when they should. She was open to suggestions on how it should be reworded. Keri stated that the statement should clarify that if you are participating in a particular term, you should follow the proper protocol for proctoring. If you are not participating in a particular term, you do not have to proctor.
ii. Page 9, #9 – change Enrollment System to Enrollment Tool
iii. Page 21 (missing periods)
iv. Page 22, #4 Syllabus – wording about Course Information
v. Page 24, #b (instead of sent, use uploaded)
New Business
a. Erica Battle: Dissertation Student
i. North Center University (online university based out of Phoenix, AZ) PhD Education student, Erica Battle, is completing her dissertation research on “Agile Learning vs. ADDIE”. She will be researching online learning environments in online education and
what potential models could be used (waterfall method, etc.) She has already gotten approval to do research through the CIRE group, but is waiting on her university’s IRB approval. She is asking for ten research participants to participate in research. Data collection will consist of interviews and a site location visit at Jackson State University.
b. Krista LeBrun:
i. SmarterProctoring Contract Update (30 day clause) 1. There is a consensus that the group is dissatisfied with the SmarterProctoring service. 2. Krista reached out to ITS, which handles contracting/authority to grant authorization to purchase. We have the option in our contract to discontinue service (30-day clause). ITS legal group would have to initiate this process. Once that process is initiated, there is a complete loss of service. ITS takes 6-9 months for procurement, so we would lose service. All future communication with SmarterProctoring needs to be written. We are not required to stay with this vendor. We can look for an alternative solution that is sole-sourced, and pilot that product to expedite the procurement process if we want to move forward with this potential route. 3. BVirtual has been bought out. Smarter Services guarantees no loss of service for summer; however, no resolution for Fall. 4. Smarter Services has allowed us to stay on Legacy for Summer, but will force us to the 2.0 version for Fall. They assure updated features will be ready for Fall. They have encouraged us to continue to pilot 2.0; however, none of the features requested are there to test yet. ii. Contracts to Review (1) Link-Systems and (2) Respondus. 1. Respondus -- By the time of the annual retreat, the group will need to vote on if they want to continue the services. It will have to go through the ITS process. July 31, 2019 contract ends – but we have to work a year in advance. We will have services this fiscal year. 2. Link-Systems – billed for hours used. $507,975 allocated for online tutoring, $75,000 for RTR. The Instructional Technology Committee is looking for an alternative system. ITS Board/Procurement process will have to be completed. We need to look closely for an alternative, because we are paying close to $600,000 a year for this service. 3. Tish requested usage reports from Respondus & Link-Systems. Krista stated that Respondus does not provide usage reports (she has requested multiple times). Link-Systems can provide a local report – Krista will send directions on how to pull those usage reports per school.
iii. Instructure Contract Update
1. 5-year extension is complete – ITS board/contract is finalized. Invoice will be paid in the next few months. The contract for 5-years is a little over $6 million.
iv. MILD Grant update
1. Tish is leading the MILD Grant Initiative. Members of the MILD Grant Committee may reach out to schools with questions. Krista will send purchase requisitions to the MCCB Finance division, and payment to schools should be issued around July 1. v. ELITE abbreviation 1. Acronym was created for the eLearning and Instructional Technology (ELITE) group at the MCCB. You will see this acronym on future correspondence and within the P&P
vi. Update on P&P from MACJC (if Dr. Huebner has any to share with me at time of our meeting.) 1. Dr. Huebner is vetting the P&P document with Presidents. Some grammatical and clerical updates were given. More dialog will continue, and updates will be given. 2. President’s will be reviewing the MSVCC funding formula. It will likely be a legislative agenda item at their meeting in June at Butler Snow. a. According to Keri, Hind’s President mentioned that the MELA group would be discussing the funding formula – but we have not been charged with that task as of yet. Krista will get clarification from the MACJC to make sure they do not need anything from our group. 1. Surveys still exists for shared students in the ET. However, data doesn’t need to be lost for students not in the ET. Krista is looking for solutions, and CIRE members may be reaching out to the eLearning departments to find out exactly what we need for surveys. Discussions with the CIRE group can help us move forward with seeing how we need to conduct future surveys. i. SmarterProctoring Updates – see notes above from Krista LeBrun. In addition, SmarterProctoring hopes to have Exam Import ready by June 1 for testing. Shalon will let us know when it is available. ii. Attendance Tool Updates and Demo 1. Shalon sent a Word document (editable) for ET Attendance directions for ELCs and Instructor Roles. 2. Attendance Tool Menu button now exists in the ET 3. Instructors are not required to complete a separate ET audit if they are taking attendance in the ET. 4. ELCs can take attendance now for courses. But they cannot complete the audit for an instructor. a. Buffy requested that we get this in writing from Raul as documentation. Specifically to CIRE group, Presidents, and eLearning Offices. Shalon will speak with him again about a date that he can send this out. (Update: email from Shalon was sent on 5/10/18 with an official word from Raul) 5. Ive is still working on the ability to extract data from the ET Attendance piece to push to SIS. It will not be ready for the Summer. a. Many schools are requesting a clear ETA for updates from Ive. 6. Request for Drop listing – only ELC Role can see this – you can sort by hosted or provided students. a. Schools that aren’t using this feature must tell instructors not to click it. eLearning Offices should run the report to spot-check to see who is clicking on it. It is “all or nothing” feature, and cannot be turned on/off for schools. Many schools did not want this feature and will continue with emails, many schools saw benefit in this feature. There was a mixed discussion for a length of time about different colleges’ procedures. 7. Ive is working on getting notifications for attendance tool – if you have a Request for Drop you will get an email. Ive is requesting a single email address for each school to send notifications to schools. Send your college’s email address to Shalon.
vii. ET Surveys
c. Shalon Farris:
d. Brooke Doggett
i. WebEx Trainings 1. After the last NWN/WebEx training (May 4 at 10 am) session it became evident that Spark isn’t ready to use. We have not seen how Spark will integrate with Canvas, how to add users, and how to group them. 2. We have a new NWN representative (“DJ” – Damian Todd) – coming to MCCB on May 21 from 10 am – 12 pm a. Brooke will send out information regarding the training, and a
spreadsheet. Food will be provided. NWN eLearning Admins and an IT representative should come. Discussion will be about proof of concept, and any other discussions regarding Spark. (Update: Brooke sent email on 5/9 regarding the meeting) b. BB Collaborate will continue to be used for Academy training in the Summer. c. WebEx is in the MELA course – we can start using it for MELA meetings in the future to test it out.
ii. Academy Evaluation Report 1. Lynne has put together some hard data that shows the different evaluations for Academy courses and webinars. Hard data will be given at the end of the meeting, and an official report will be given at the end of this fiscal year. Some webinars
may have lower results – for example: ADA Complaint isn’t as much fun and engaging, but is very important. So, remember that when looking at data.
e. Lynne Oliver:
i. eLearning Newsletter (ELITE Newsletter) – will be sent to ELCs, and ELCs can forward on to whomever they would like (Presidents, Instructors, etc.). Lynne requested that each college send information to highlight your department and/or instructors. Upcoming conferences, Academy trainings, updates, etc. will be included in the newsletter. The archived newsletters will be put into the MELA course.
Action Items
a. Elections:
i. Secretary (Nominated: Ashley Beard and Marie Roberts) – elected Ashley Beard
ii. President-Elect (Nominated: Denise Gillespie) – elected Denise Gillespie
iii. New roles will be effective August 1.
Open Forum
a. The Instructional Technology Committee has one more tutoring product (TutorMe) to demo. Tequila will send out information to the group to attend. The MELA course, under the Committee Resources module, has a vendor comparison chart for everyone to review.
Future Meetings –
a. Wednesday, June 13 - 9:00 a.m. Virtual b. Wednesday, July 11 - 9:00 a.m. Virtual
2018 – June eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 Virtual Meeting, 9:00am
Coahoma Community College
Joseph McKee
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite
East Mississippi Community College
Chris Square
Hinds Community College
Jennifer James, Keri Cole
Holmes Community College
Tish Stewart, Nancy Parkerson, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Denise Gillespie, Tequila Sunrise, Brandi McCraw
Ashley Beard
Jones Junior College
Meridian Community College
Holley Harris, Marie Roberts
Mississippi Delta Community College
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson
Pearl River Community College
Kimberley Ellis
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
MS Community College Board
Brooke Doggett, Shalon Farris, Krista LeBrun
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00am
Approval of May Minutes
Buffy Matthews made the motion/Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed.
Approval of June Agenda
Buffy Matthews made the motion/Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Krista LeBrun:
1. Contract Updates FY 2019 a. Link Systems (LS): Was contracted prior to ITS involvement. LS has questioned being billed for hours used because the contract does not indicate that is an option. We purchase hours in advance instead. Content to be amended to exhaust hours we have rolled over from previous year. Currently 30k hours in queue. We are required to go to RFP if we do not renew with LS for NetTutor contract, and ITS is backed up on RFPs. Would not be able to complete RFP by 2019. LS does not have to allow us to extend contract. MCCB does not want there to be a loss of service to the institutions. Recommendation not to extend RTR contract but amend for use of hours. LS is supposedly revamping RTR and being innovative, was going to present at the Retreat, but LS is not on the agenda for the retreat. Holmes willing to move away from RTR. They are the only ones using it for developmental education classes. The course navigators refer students to tutoring if they aren’t turning in assignments, etc. b. Respondus: Vote to renew at Retreat 2018. Can continue as single source if we renew. May need to look at doing away with TestGen, etc. No usage reports for Respondus. They have been requested multiple times. c. TurnItIn: Expires in October 2019. Currently sole source. Will need to vote to renew at Retreat 2018. Level of support, etc, has greatly improved with the monthly calls.
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