MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
traditional will start at the same time, and signed off on the overlap already. MELA will need to vote on calendar updates at March meeting.
6. Library Association Meeting – Krista LeBrun and Buffy Matthews attended. The MELO contract for the upcoming year is normally provided at this meeting. Price point was around 400k for the contract, and they do not want to lose services. Contracts with vendors are based annually, and it was requested by the MSVCC that they renegotiate to a different rate that was not as easily inflated. Should be able to review proposed contract by March meeting, vote, and have contract in place by July 1 st . Many of the services were surprisingly digital; Krista and Buffy spoke with vendors about facilitating training for use of the resources. Library Association is requesting changes with the Library Services survey; requested changes to be provided for a future meeting for approval.
B. Shalon Farris:
1. Canvas Global Announcements Information – Live in production February 17, 2018. Test it at some point and ensure it is working. Notify Shalon if there is a problem.
2. MELA Meeting Minutes in FlippingBook – Archived meeting minutes are in searchable flipping book in MELA course, 2003 to present.
3. MILD Grant Information – Changes made to include a MILD Module in MELA course, single PDF application over Google Form, some questions removed to shorten the form, Adminstrative Aproval page will autoupdate based on other pages, and the signature sheet, etc, will be easily printed. 4. SmarterProctoring Updates – Feedback provided from colleges who tested the product: Insufficient installation instructions/XML coding, Exam sync and test import not functioning, sync between Admin and Course site not working, etc. SmarterProctoring is aware and will work thru Google doc with Shalon. Training- Admin Webinars every other week, Instructor Webinars weekly. Voucher information to join will be sent upon registration. 5. Enrollment Tool Updates (Please submit all MSVCC ET Feature Requests Form for all requests relating to the ET. Review old requests to resubmit if something still needs to be addressed.) On Hold: Course Catalogue listing, page jumps to top when course made Active. MCCB Notes - May slow down system, and feature may not be needed with the possible reduction of courses. Will revisit in the fall .
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