MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
In Progress: Reports – Grades for Non Holmes courses, separate report by course on individual pages, one pdf export.
Needs Clarification: Copy of status changes that impact students which includes drops/withdrawals. Hinds states that this can be disregarded since drop date and LDA has been added to report. Would like to request status reason to be added to that report. Request for Hinds to complete ET request form made by Shalon .
Vote Requested:
Ability to sort/filter courses by course number. MCCB notes – Increase load on server and slow system. May be a moot point with changes in the ET tool. Will address in fall for vote. Student profile. Print student profile using the print icon. Works in Chrome, but does not appear compatible with IE/Firefox. Error message is given. ( Will just address it not working in all browsers) List for Archived Students does not work. Need to look up old students. MCCB Notes – Designed by group. What data is needed, how should it look, how to filter, access granted? Support Committee will investigate and update with needed information. Textbook file to download current texts in correct form to be uploaded for the next semester. Leave Term column empty. MCCB Notes – Ive feels it can be done easily and will just require modifications of the file. Tish Stewart made motion to accept the change, Jennifer James seconded, no discussion, motion passed . Ability to indicate whether a course will make or not – Check box that the course will make OR box to enter the number of local students so a rough estimate of total students appears. Shalon will get a mock up what a check box will look like, date and time stamp included, for group to review and approve. Attendance Tool Changes – Ability to hide local students in the attendance tool, identify shared students who have attended class from being marked No Show (notification and flag), send email notifications for number of absences…notifications sent to student. Shalon will mock up all three options to facilitate discussion/approval at next meeting.
MCCB Suggestions for ET:
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