MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00am
Approval of February Minutes
Chris Square made the motion/Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion Passed.
Approval of March Agenda
Kimberly Ellis made the motion/Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Krista LeBrun: 1. MSVCC P&P – A draft is ready for review in the MELA course under Modules. A new Google doc has been included in the module for suggested changes to the revised P&P. Please review the document and make suggested changes prior to the April meeting so the group can vote on the revised P&P. 2. MOA for University Partnerships - MOA has been added to the MELA course for reference/review. Buffy Matthews questioned about an addition regarding participating universities must follow our policy and procedures and calendar since we’ve had issues with previous partnered universities setting their own withdrawal dates, etc. Kim Ellis questioned statement about generating revenue (Yes, this MOA is trying to facilitate relationships and encourage universities to pull in our courses for their students, thereby increasing revenue.). B. Shalon Farris: 1. SmarterProctoring Updates - Shalon has been testing. Exam import is available, and we are encouraged to keep testing on our end. Reach out to Sean with SmarterProctoring or Shalon if we have questions or issues. Developer keys has been added, and this is included in the new instructions, which will be sent to the group. Shalon has looked at the student side of the system once and it did work, and she will continue to look at it. 2. NWN Updates – We are on track to implement this summer. NWN will be reaching out to the colleges individually to get information on SSO. Will need to know
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