MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
identity provider for this, and we can reach out to our IT department to find that information, if we don’t know it. 3. ET/Attendance Tool Updates - Shalon is working closely with Ive to have the new items ready, and they are hoping to demo it at the April meeting. Training handouts and videos will also be created for us in order to help us transition faculty.
C. Lynne Oliver: 1.
Summer and Fall schedule for the Academy is in the works. It will be released to the group once it’s finalized.
D. Kim Harris 1. Policy and Procedures Document - Thanks from Kim for all the committee reviews, and thanks to MCCB for preparing it based on our suggestions. Please be sure to review the updated PP for April meeting. 2. Strategic Planning – The committees will meet on April 11 th while at Hinds. Please meet with Committee virtually prior to the 11 th to ensure efficient use of time since we only have a day at the April meeting. 1. FY 2019 MELO Grant Request - Buffy Matthews made motion to approve the grant, Michele Mitchell made the second, motion passed . Meridian CC abstained due to lack of knowledge about usage history. Discussion: Tish Stewart asked if they gave us any usage reports, as requested. Reports were given, but were slim in usage stats. Krista LeBrun will forward the reports to the group. Buffy and Krista had a discussion with them that they need advertise and train on their products in order to increase usage. Usage reports will be reviewed next year, and funding may be cut based on product usage since budgets are in a crunch across the system. A recommendation that they negotiate rate increases from this point forward with their contracts, as well. 1. Wikispace (Tish Stewart) - Wikispace is going away, so we will need to find another way to do our agendas. Tish shared several options that we can try. 2. 18-19 Funding Discussion (Tish Stewart) – ET is a year behind in data, so Holmes is requesting that funding not be changed up until NEXT fiscal year when the ET data is up to date based on new procedures. Suggestion was made that we mention this to our local finance committees so the recommendation can be made to the local presidents. FY19 is the hold harmless year for information. 3. Courses in ET (Christa Wilhite) – When will the colleges have all information in the ET so we can begin evaluating courses to pull in? All courses will be available prior to Easter Break. Action Items Open Forum
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