MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 12:00pm
Approval of March Minutes
Jennifer James made the motion/Phyllis Johnson seconded. Motion Passed.
III. Approval of April Agenda – Addition of Quality Matters update by Brooke Doggett.
Keri Cole made the motion/Jennifer Leimer seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Shalon Farris: 1. MILD Grant – Grant request is due April 20 th . All information is included in the MELA Course in the MILD Module. 2. NWN Update – Colleges will be receiving updated instructions this week. The MCCB team will be meeting with NWN to establish an implementation timeline. Training will commence afterwards. MCCB will also address miscommunication with the parties involved, as well as the incorrect instructions sent out to the Colleges. 3. SmarterProctoring 2.0 Updates – Shalon has questions/needs for group to bring up during SP webconference (see slideshow). 4. Attendance Tool Updates – Shalon previewed new features/reports for the group to vote on. These features are currently available to be pushed in to production (see action items for voting.). 5. ET Feature Requests – Shalon reviewed some feature requests for the group to vote on. See action items for voting results. 6. ET Updates – In Progress: Grades for Non-Local Courses to separate report by school and course on individual pages, Textbook Utilities (ability to download properly formatted file to reupload for consecutive terms).
B. Brooke Doggett: 1.
Summer Academy schedule has been uploaded to the Catalog. UMC wishes to use Academy for all of their faculty. If TEO fills, we will need to let Brooke
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