MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
know so she can open additional sections to ensure MSVCC faculty receive required instruction. 2. Quality Matters – A contract should be signed in the near future. Colleges can use QM as much or as little as they prefer once it is available to all. MCCB staff will reach out to schedule appointments for implementation help, as well as to identify who the local QM Coordinator will be for the college. Additional training offered as needed, and Academy offerings will be aligned with QM Standards to identify where gaps are located and to create learning paths for instructors.
C. Lynne Oliver: 1. College Needs Assessment Survey – End of Year Surveys will be sent approximately May 7 th to review Academy offerings.
D. Kimberly Harris – 1. Future Agenda Items – MELA course will be used to create new agenda via Pages. 2. May Officer Elections – Send nominations to Tish Stewart by May 2 nd for President Elect and Secretary.
Action Items
1. Attendance Tool Updates:
a. Tool placed in separate tab. b. Attendance Review for Provider Report (to see if instructors have taken attendance) c. Request for Drop – Provider/Host Reports (to review drop requests made by instructors/CELO’s depending on ET usage at local institution) d. Working with Students – To review which instructors are working with a student that is at or over allotted absences. e. Attendance Manager – Instructors can filter between crossed only and all students.
Motion made to accept the presented attendance tool updates beginning Summer 2018 made by Jennifer Leimer. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed.
Motion to use “Non-Local” in regards to provided students made by Christa Wilhite. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed. Keri Cole requested that the minutes show that the colleges are approving the suggested updates and technology, but the colleges are not agreeing to use the features until written guidelines/manual are provided. 2. ET Feature Requests a. Reports (Non-Local Students taking XYZ Courses) – Filter report by term; Add reason and status date columns. Jennifer James made the motion. Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed.
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